

☆ Silent But Violent ☆ @SilentAgeGame @houseonfiredk @u9i #Android #GameDev #GamersUnite

I'm constantly looking for a game on Android that I can lose myself in for hours on end. It's been a quest for me since I was given my Nexus 7 for Christmas a couple of years back.
The thing is, it's pretty rare to find an Android game that can actually consume me for more than a few sittings.
So far the only games that I have truly immersed myself in on Android are:
  • The Walking Dead Season 1&2


  • Limbo
Until now that is……………….

Search And Ye Shall Find...
Upon doing a search on the best Android games I came across an article that highlighted Silent Age to be something a bit different.
A point n click adventure with a dark gripping atmosphere and a thriller of a storyline. It sounded right up my street. So I looked into it a bit more and found that episode 1 was free in the episodic adventure. So nothing to lose by giving it a go then.
From the moment I started the app I was hooked by it's sound and visuals. The sound is all important in this game as it builds the atmosphere in a game where all conversations are text based.
The visuals are minimalist cool which really add to the 70's feel.

Average Joe 
You play Joe, a guy who's had a few menial jobs over the years and has found his way into a mysterious corporate company as a cleaner.
Joe is a simple guy leading a simple life who is suddenly then thrust into a complex plot which involves espionage and time travel.
I wont give any plot away as it is pretty cool and I wouldn't want to spring any spoilers on you all.

Slick Rick 
The game plays really slick and is a perfect fit for the touch screen of my Nexus 7. 

You work your way through the various scenarios by navigating Joe with your finger to locate handy items to solve the next puzzle.
The thing that struck me about the puzzles is that they were never infuriating, they just required to think things over, which I like.
We all know about the mental puzzles that just defy any sort of logic such as "use plant with saw in the north east room" to create a magic potion to make you grow 20ft tall. It's those type of puzzles that make you reach for google and let's face it we don't want to be doing that do we?!
Silent Age sticks to what it is good at, atmosphere, visuals and good honest puzzles with a bit of Time Travel thrown in for good measure.

Previously On Silent Age........ 
Episode 1 is long enough to make your mind up about whether you want to purchase episode 2. At £4 for episode 2 it seems kinda hefty but I have to admit, now that I have played episode 1 I ust gotta find out what happens next!
This game is well made and £4 is actually really good value for money to receive a slice of Android perfection that you can really get lost in!
I'd recommend all Androidians to get on over to Google Play and Download Silent Age for Free today as it is well worth your time and brain cells..
Have You Already Played Silent Age?
What Did You Think Of It?
Are There Any Other Immersive Android Games That You Can Recommend That I Should Play And Review?

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