

☆ "This Book Is A Dungeon (This Dungeon Is A Book)" ☆ #GamersUnite @nmeunier

So i'll confess immediately that i'm a BIG fan of Nathan Meunier.....

Nathan is a cool freelance writer (mainly video games related) who shares his techniques with budding writers like myself.

Of course this is cool in itself.........BUT.........

You just gotta see what Nathan has brought out now.....its mega cool on many levels!

Ok, so I got into Twine a while back as it mixes storytelling and video games into a format that just really appeals to the child who played Zork endlessly (and died A LOT!)

Nathan has looked at twine and video gaming and smashed it together into an ebook to create

"This Book Is A Dungeon (This Dungeon Is A Book)"

Nathan has described this cool venture as a GAME + BOOK EXPERIMENT and this really excites me as it takes TWINE & BOOKS in a new direction!

Essentially Nathan has been....

Learning how to use Twine

Writing game narrative

Designing a horror game

AND launching a book all at once!

The book/game covers many messed up horror related themes such ..........
auto-cannibalism, demonic seduction, giant puss-spewing worms, and occult rituals......sounds cool doesn't it!

Let's hear from Nathan as he explains how this awesome experiment came about:
"One afternoon in May, I was steamrolled by one of my more hair-brained ideas that just seemed so weird, crazy, and exciting that I couldn’t NOT drop what I was doing and figure out how to make it happen.
I decided to make an interactive fiction dungeon crawler game on PC using Twine. Then I decided that I’d only release the game INSIDE a Kindle book on Amazon. 
Then I decided that the book would also be a massive diary documenting the ins and outs of the entire project. 
The whole thing? One big wacky experiment that mashes-up self-publishing with indie game development and DIY creativity.
Boom. And I gave myself a little over a month or so to complete this ridiculous task!"
In reality, it took me almost three full months to complete the project, but after many sleepless nights, lots of craft beer, some head scratching, a ton of highs and lows, and almost destroying myself in the process, I managed to do the darned thang!
The end result, This Book Is A Dungeon [This Dungeon Is A Book], is something I’m pretty excited about. It’s very, very different from anything else I’ve done of late, and it shows a much darker, more demented side of my creative spirit that’s…well…pretty effed up, to be honest.
I grossed myself out creating the thing, a few times at least. And it was awesome. And…gross. I didn’t intend, initially, for the game to be a gruesome horror romp, but that’s sort of where the project steered itself early-on, and I embraced it fully. It’s dark, it’s twisted, it has everything from auto-cannibalism to demonic seduction to occult rituals and giant pus-spewing worms. 
Expect to die horribly and often. That’s part of the “fun(?)”

If you fancy experiencing something a little different in the world of video games, Twine and books then head over to Amazon to nab yourself a copy of Nathan's cool new release.

Let Me Know What You Think Of This Piece Of Work In The Comments Box

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