

☆ Vault 111.Com Is My Current Home From Home ☆ #Fallout4 #GamersUnite

As the wait for Fallout 4 continues the anticipation heightens i'm grabbing onto anything Fallout 4 related and and pawing over it.

I've just come across this awesome site that let's fiddle around with building a Fallout character from scratch and assigning your character with 'Special' points.

From this you can map out your characters perks. 

It's really cool to mess around see what you could potentially create in the new Fallout 4 game. 

But the site is unofficial and the points system is speculation based on the old system but still I love it!

The site presentation is a lovely Fallout black background with the iconic fallout green writing just like the 'Pip Boy'

This site gets you in the Fallout mood even more by having a map of Boston built into the tabbed display! Again it's pure speculation but it's really well presented and gets the Fallout O Meter in the red zone....

While you are there have a little peek at the weapons that your character may be able to get his or her hands on....

In the long run this site aims to be the go to place for Fallout 4 game information......

The website webmaster's aim is to create a reliable, and easy to use companion app for Fallout 4 players. 

This will help when scrounging through some abandoned high school desks wondering what you could do with all the junk you have found.

You might be looting a Raider, only to end up using a search engine to find more information about the armor you just yoinked.

The site will be community led and if you’re interested in contributing you can get in contact with and offer your services.

So head over to to get involved now!

Let me know what you think of this awesome website in the comments box below....

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