

☆ All 7 Awesome Fallout 4 SPECIAL Videos ☆ #GamersUnite #Fallout4

The Time Is Almost Upon Us.....

Not Long Till The Day When We Can Step Back Into The Wasteland....

It's Almost 10.11.2015.....

It's Almost Time For Fallout 4........
I for one have really enjoyed the build up to Fallout 4. It hasn't been in your face, it's been more of a subtle marketing campaign compared to the likes of Call Of Duty 883 or FIFA 98901.

The marketing is almost a confident nod to the fans who will be buying this game no matter what. The game just sells itself because of what has come before.

What I have especially enjoyed is the really cool You Tube Videos giving us all tasters of what is to come. I have really enjoyed the S.P.E.C.I.A.L series which gives us a series of Fallout animated shorts to explain:


The animated shorts are pure classics and any Fallout fan will enjoy watching these 2 minute beauties.

So kick back, relax and learn a thing or two about the awesome world of Fallout!

A Public Service Announcement

"Following total atomic annihilation, the rebuilding of this great nation of ours may fall to you. 

That’s why Vault-Tec has prepared this educational video series for you to better

understand the seven defining attributes that make you S.P.E.C.I.A.L.!"

"Regularly study your Vault-Tec provided materials to

prepare yourself for survival and to answer the question

do YOU know what makes YOU S.P.E.C.I.A.L?"

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