

☆ Amiga Cases For A New Generation ☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite #Kickstarter

Amiga 1200 Cases Make ME Go Weak At The Knees...

Amiga 1200 Cases Combined With A Kickstarter Make Me Explode With Joy!

Yes It's Another Cool Retrogaming Kickstarter That I Want To Tell You All About..

We Have 9 Days To Make It Happen So Let's DO THIS!

If you own an Amiga, the case will yellow or crack over time......

This is where this Kickstarter will come in......

You'll be able to replace your old and yellowed case with a new one that your Amiga deserves!

It will also come with some nifty new slots updated for modern hardware....

Now YOU Need To Head Over To Kickstarter @


To Find Out MORE!

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