

☆ Your Chance To Become The Combo King ☆ #iosreviewtime #GamersUnite

App Store Curiosity
A couple of weeks ago I was nosing around the App Store looking for a cool game to get stuck into when I stumbled across Combo Quest. 

It was the App Store Free Game Of The Week and I just loved the awesome looking pixel art graphics so I had to download it like any self respecting retro gamer would. 

Once downloaded I was treated to a game rhythm action that I have grown to love more and more each time I play it!

"Take A Minute And Sit Right There And I'll Tell You How I Became The Combo King"

The simple storyline goes like this. Some old pixel guy has a crown (presumably the original combo King) then some other dude comes along and Yoinks it out of his hand!

You are then told to go after pixel dude who stole the crown by slaying vicious enemies!

"Round 1 ....TAP!!"
You are launched straight into the heat of the battle by going up against a little pixel guy who you get to tap the seven shades of pixels out of with a few well timed taps. 
The fighting system leaves you to tap your yellow bars in order to deliver a blow to your foe. 

Your foe will unleash red bars which you will need to tap in order to block. All the while you should concentrate on delivering well timed bar taps to build up a combo and to deliver max damage. Any built up combo will be taken into the next round of tap tap tapparoo!

If successful in battle you will proceed to the next battle but before the battle you must choose your reward for slaying your combatant. Rewards vary and could be a FULL HEAL, MAX HEALTH, MAX DAMAGE or any number of other perks to take into battle against the next enemy level.

Generally when you mis-time a tap you will be dealt a blow by your enemy. 
Take enough in fight hits and it's curtains for the Combo King!

I'm really enjoying this smart little game (even though I'm crap at it) the feel of is just right and the tap fighting mechanism is actually more complex and strategic than it may sound.

I'd say go forth and give it a go my friends!


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