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Why I Love.................

ARTCADE The Arcade Book
"The Artcade Kickstarter was launched on September 23rd 2013 and it stole my retro gaming heart immediately.

A coffee table book dedicated to the Arcade Marquee Art from the legendary Arcade games of the 70's, 80's and 90's. 

I had to won this book, I had to make sure it got made.......

I pledged my £40 and waited for the end of the campaign very patiently.

On October 11th 2013 the project was successfully funded.......

On October 22nd 2013 the final total came in at a whopping £22,056 with a whopping 514 backers!

From here on in the project went through a roller coaster ride and an epic journey that just seemed as though the book was never meant to be made.

Tim Nicholls is the guy who brought this idea to life and caught the imagination of 514 Retro Gamers. But Tim went through the mangle personally and professionally whilst trying desperately to make this book happen. Tim was let down by cowboy printing firms and terrible luck. Alongside that add in a personal tragedy and it really seemed as though this book was turning into a mill stone rather than a dream.

It's now December 2015 and I'm still awaiting the one book that I have waited patiently for 2 years for. The thing is at one point the book was in the balance, Tim had had enough and rightly so was thinking about just walking away from the project and handing everyone a refund. 

Tim put a message out to all backers and asked what he should do. The majority of backers I believe were supportive of Tim and his position and understood his predicament. Just when it looked as though this project was gone a White Knight rode into town......

On August 28th Bitmap Books agreed with Tim to take on the project and make the book a reality....

For me this was awesome news as I own a Bitmap Book and know exactly how great the production values are....

This is extremely exciting and I just can't wait to finally hold this arcade beauty!

March 2016 is the aspirational date for publication and I for one can't wait!

A book totally devoted to beautiful Arcade Art........AWESOME!

I Love Artcade because I know that the Best Things Come To Those Who Wait!"

Find Out More @ https://www.kickstarter.com 


@ http://www.bitmapbooks.co.uk

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