

☆ 2016 -The PS4 Diaries Part 1 ☆ #PS4 #GamersUnite

A New Year and a new video game console for me to sink my teeth into.

I am now the proud owner of a PS4 after unexpectedly receiving one as a Christmas Present....

Now I am in possession of this video games leviathan, just what do I have planned for it?

Let's have a look shall we.......

Let's Unbox
As with all the consoles of today the un-boxing of a new console is the start of a couple of hours of downloads and navigation of menus before you get to do the thing you bought it for (play video games!)

It's a frustration that is slightly eased by the fact that when you get the option to download the latest update on a game at least it doesn't stop you from starting to play the game.

One thing I have decided that I need in order to enjoy the always online generation of consoles is a decent broadband connection. It seems like this is now an essential requirement for the gamer of today.

I'm always late to the party with new consoles and releases but I have to admit that I wish I'd have gotten a PS4 earlier in its 2 year life span as I am in love with it already.

I owned a PS3 and XBOX 360 and have therefore dipped into the previous generation however, my main focus has definitely remained on my love of retro gaming.

The thing is that it feels like by owning a PS4 1 can have access to the best of all worlds, whether that is current gen gaming, indie gaming or retro gaming all on one system.

That's the dream right?

The List
There's a whole list of things that I want to work through to tailor my PS4 to exactly how I want it setup. 

I have started to work my way through this list here

One of the cool but simple things that I really like is having sound coming through the joy pad and into any set of earphones that you wish to plug into the pad. This effectively makes your ordinary headphones wireless as you are then free to roam without the need to be tied into 3.5mm jack on the TV or console, cool eh!

I know it's old hat but I still like talking to my PS4. The one eared headphone that comes packed into the contents of the PS4 has a little in line microphone that enables you to talk to your console and get it to do some cool things. I'm sure the novefty factor will soon wear off but it's still pretty handy to have that option.

The other options that really opened my eyes to the PS4 potential is the ability to be able to share screenshots and game play from my PS4 exploits directly to Twitter, Facebook and You Tube. 

That's massive for me as the Games Freezer Twitter following will be able take a peek into my world of gaming almost real time as I am left open mouthed by PS4 graphical wonders or downright awesome game play that deserves a second look. I need to tweak the set up slightly to make the Share button take a screenshot with one click of the button and then I'm ready to share with the world again and again!


Another cool thing that I have enjoyed from my first days with the mighty PS4 was the option to test out Playstation Network + for 14 days. 

This has immediately given me access to TWO free games to download. How awesome is that!? I like the way that it acts as a reward for just buying the PS4. Hats off to Sony for that. The games on offer at the minute are Gauntlet & Kings Quest. Two games with  a distinctly retro feel to them. I've just taken a look at the January 2016 lineup and "Grim Fandango Remastered" along with "Hardware: Rivals" are the January offerings. Hopefully I will keep the trial for long enough to benefit from those two beauties also. 

I don't think that I will benefit enough from PSN+ to warrant a full membership but it's a great way to kick off my PS4 titfes catalogue at the very least.

Let's Get Serious
When j got down to actually playing a game on my dream machine in anger I had the choice between two games that were packed into the deal. Those games were FIFA 16 and Unchartered The Nathan Drake Collection. I almost immediately put 
FIFA 16 onto eBay and loaded up Unchartered. 

My love affair with FIFA and football games is well and truly over and I had always wanted to get into the Unchartered series but never had the time on PS3. 

I have only really ever had limited time to get stuck into multiple games as I plugged away on PS3 The Last Of Us, Fallout New Vegas, MGS IV and Red Dead Redemption.

Now is my chance to get up to speed with a Naughty Dog legend that is Nathan Drake and see what all the fuss is about. 

No sooner had I loaded this disc up I found that I was transported to a place of wonder and excitement. I am playing the first installment and already it feels like the Indiana Jones game that I never got.

This game oozes class. After playing TLOU and being a massive fan I was wondering how Unchartered could compete.

Naughty Dog, I'm sorry that I underestimated your almighty power, please forgive me! I'm only 20% of the way through but each part of this game has been awesome so far. Being new to the franchise certainly helps I'm sure but now I just can't wait to get further and play this bad boy to its end.

I've never really paid much attention to Unchartered 4 previously but now I am eyeing up the April 2016 release date and setting my target of completing 1,2 & 3 before then so as I can get involved.

Games In The Mix
Apart from my own Unchartered revelation the other games I really can't wait to get involved with are
  • Fallout 4
  • They/ve All Gone To The Rapture
  • Shovel Knight
  • Rare Replay
  • The Forest
  • Kick Off Revival
  • The Last Guardian
  • No Man's Sky
  • Ratchet & Clank
  • Shenmue III
  • SOMA
  • and 'The Witness' to name but a few!
The games on the PS4 really do stack up to a whole heap of fun.

Granted i probably won't have as much time as I would like to play ALL of these but I'll give it a right good go!

All of the above is from my first couple of weeks with this games playing piece of awesomeness and I will try and share more of my PS4 thoughts with you as I hopefully discover some lesser known gaming gems and PS4 tips n tricks as I commence my voyage with the mighty PS4.

Do YOU Own A PS4?

What's Your Thoughts On This Mega Powered Gaming Machine?

Let Me Know In The Comments Box Below

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