
☆ Has Anyone Ever Told YOU That You Are "Too Old To Still Play Video Games"? ☆ #GamersUnite

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Society and people in general are odd sometimes........

The expectation is that once you become a dad and reach the age of 30 then you should spend your evenings sitting on the sofa and let your brain turn to mush whilst you absorb the amazing television that is up for offer such as depressing soaps (Eastenders), watching other people watch telly on telly (Gogglebox) and cheap to make reality rubbish (<insert an awful example of a terrible reality TV show on ice, in the jungle, dancing>). 

If you tell people that instead of rotting away on the sofa each night you play video games or god forbid that you WRITE about video games, then peoples general response is, 

"Aren't you a bit old for all that?"

It's a stock answer that is almost a built in human reflex action.

My general response is normally something along the lines of, "What do you suggest I do instead?"

This is generally met with silence and maybe some nervous laughter as they think about what they do with their spare time and maybe realise that watching TV passively like a potato every night is actually not such a good idea!

The fact is that most people are gamers / players (PS4 speak), I see it every day on the train. People
are playing games more now than ever in the history of video games.

The funny thing is that I'm actually playing less video games now than I ever have done because I literally write every night for the website. 

For me it's a creative release to play games and write about them. It keeps my brain in shape as I learn about running a website, writing on a regular basis,  the social media side of things and also getting involved in the various online communities.

Doing this has opened up new doors for me as I now attend video games shows that I have never previously experienced. I also heard about the Gameblast charity event last year through writing for Games Freezer and now I will make sure that every year I raise money for this awesome charity.

Prior to founding Games Freezer I had never listened to a Podcast before and now I find myself religiously tuning into some brilliant Podcasts on video games and general geekyness (Retro Asylum, Gonarch's Lair, The Sausage Factory and Geek's Guide To The Galaxy). 

Throw into that mix the wonderful world of the Indie Dev and it feels like through the Games freezer website and my love of  all things video games I have opened up a door to a world that I had only previously scratched the  surface of.

The fact that video games has given me these opportunities is surely a strong enough reason to  retort back to those who proclaim that I'm too old for certain things.

I suppose that the point being is that you are NEVER too old for Video Games. 

While you still enjoy them and can get involved why not do it? 

Don't surrender to the couch army take a note out of the Games Freezer book and GAME ON my friends GAME ON!

Has Anyone Ever Told YOU That You Are 
"Too Old To Still Play Video Games"?

Let Me Know In the Comments  Box Below

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