

☆ My Favourite Video Game Shop Keepers ☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

Whether you are playing a platform game, a first person shooter or a role playing game there is generally always a shop keeper looking to take that gold off of your hands that you have just slayed dragons and out ran bandits in order to collect.

Shop keepers in video games normally stock things like hearts (lives) and weapons. 

These are the kind of thing any video game character needs in abundance and therefore a trip to the shop acts as mid game retail therapy for us all.

Here I have compiled a list of my five favourite shop keepers from video games down the years.

Get your shopping trolley and your bag for life ready as we enter the world of in game retail.

Let's kick off with one of my favourite video games ever..........

1. Wonder Boy In Monster Land — Dinosaur Bar Tender

Ale or Mead?

That was your choice when you entered this green skinned dinosaur's shady establishment.
Ale was slightly dearer than Mead but granted you a bit more of a life-boost.

The best thing about visiting your Dinosaur bar tending mate was the inside information that he would bestow upon you just before you left him. What a top guy he is..

2. Alex Kidd In Miracle World — Moustachio Shop Keeper

The guy with the moustache who owned the shop had some awesome goodies on offer. He could sell you a motorbike for certain stages and a pedal powered helicopter for other stages. There is also a 'Power Bracelet' that enables Alex to fire projectiles and all sorts of other stuff.

3. Monkey Island — Stan

Stan is the guy with the gift of the gab in Monkey Island 1 and 2 who will gladly sell you a used vessel (boat) or a used coffin! He is hilarious and lives up to the salesman stereotype of trying to flog you literally anything. Stan is another hilarious character in an hilarious game.

4. The Legend of Zelda — "Buy Something Will Ya!"

You walk into a shop only to be berated by the shop keeper with a cry of "Buy Something Will Ya", you look at his goods and it's all over priced! Sounds like you just went into Central London but no this was in Legend of Zelda.

You've got to love the salt of the earth shop keeper type in Zelda. This guy is a legend. He should have his own game!

5. Spelunky — Shotgun Shop Keeper

The old guys who look after the shops in Spelunky seem to be mild mannered old timers who are just looking for an easy life. The thing is, these guys don't take any nonsense and will deal you a can of whoop ass should you attempt to steal from them. They all carry shotguns and won't hesitate to use them if the need arises. It's hilarious to watch them transform from mild mannered old dude to maniac guy in the blink of an eye. Fair play to them, they are just protecting their livelihood!

Those are my Top 5 Video Games shop keepers from down the years.

One guy who didn't make it but deserves a mention is the dude from Resident Evil 4. He goes by the name of "The Merchant". 

He appears mysteriously as you play the game and you can buy all sorts of awesome stuff from him. I like his voice and his cool sayings such as 

"Over here stranger!" and "l got some rare things on sale here stranger!"

Who Are Your Favourite Video Games Shop Keepers?

Let Me Know In The Comments Box Below

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