

☆ Retrogaming VS Current Gen Gaming (a happy harmony) ☆ #retrogaming #gamersunite #gamedev

When I set out to make the Games Freezer website I was firmly in the retrogaming camp as I had become disillusioned with the current generation of video games 
(this was XBOX360&PS4 era).

I wanted to create a space to share my passion for the video games of old and all the cool culture surrounding the retrogaming scene.

It was mega fun for me to rediscover the games of old and to connect with like-minded people via the Games Freezer website, google+, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.

The journey has opened up a whole world of video gaming that I only dreamed of before I discovered it. Now I find myself totally immersed in this community and loving every minute of it. The retrogaming community is inclusive and friendly as well as extremely knowledgeable.  I have learnt heaps from lots of people.

What I have also discovered is that through my rekindled love of retro gaming I have re-ignited my passion for current generation consoles and especially the indie game dev scene that has gone from strength to strength in the current era of video games.

There is an amazing amount of synergy between the retrogaming vibe and the indie dev scene. I get excited at all the awesome games that are being released that draw on the retrogaming values of easy to play hard to master.

In turn this has also led me to have a new found appreciation for some of the triple A releases that come out and ship an amazing experience.

My time spent creating Games Freezer has been such a great experience and one that has truly given my video games world a ‘power up’.

Rather than just being a retrogamer I now see myself as a more rounded gamer as I sample some of the classics that I never got to play first time and then work through some of the coolest new releases in the Indie Dev and Triple A world.

I now have the best of ALL worlds as I follow 3 branches of the video games world at once with great enthusiasm.

My favourite ways of following the scene are through 3 of the most enjoyable Podcasts that I have discovered.

1. Retro Asylum – By far the best Retro Podcast out there. Supported by presenters that are interesting and informative to listen to.

2. Sausage Factory – Chris O’Regan presents this awesome Indie Dev centric podcast as he interviews Game Devs and gets an insight into their testes, inspirations and current projects

3. BombCast – This American podcast from the awesome dudes of Giant Bomb is entertaining and such a breeze to listen to as they bring you up to date with the weekly news from the Video Games World!

I cannot recommend these Podcasts highly enough. 

If you haven't already, give them a go and I’m sure you won’t regret it....

As I’ve said before, it’s a great time to be a gamer!

How Do You Feel About The Current Video Games Scene?

Are YOU As Excited As I Am About The Future Of Retro, Indie and 
Triple A Video Games?

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