

☆ The Count Lucanor - "A Boy And His Rabbid Goats!" ☆ #GameDev #GamersUnite #PixelArt

Last night a video game stole my heart and then messed with my brain!

The Count Lucanor is one surprise that I wasn’t expecting when I loaded it up from Steam.

When I took a peek at the screen shots I was thinking it looks like a nice pixel art style Action RPG.

When it started up I was hooked from moment one.

The game struck a chord with me immediately as the main protagonist (Hans) is a ten year old boy who wants adventure.

He looks to find adventure by leaving home and venturing into the neighbouring Forest.

Despite warnings from his mother Hans sets out on a journey that is to be both epic and odd in equal measure.

His quest for adventure reminds me of when I was a ten year old eager to discover the secrets of the forest. In my case it was Epping Forest. The secrets I craved as young one were more of the secret den and tree climbing variety. Whereas Hans’ journey is a little more twisted and surreal but I love it!

In my time with the game I have already come across a foul mouthed old granny who herds pigs. A goat herd who sits around all day smokinganddrinking. A mystery graffitiartist who writes in a red substance (TBC), a friendly donkey who loves apples, a guy who stole2gold coins off of me and some rabidGoats who chased me out of the Forest!

That’s only in the first 30 or so minutes worth of gameplay. This game seems full of little secrets and cameos and that’s before I menton the Ravens and the floating ghosty type jester thing!

Yes this game is something very different and I love it.

The tranquil Forest sounds during the day change very much during the night and create a brilliant contrasting atmosphere once the sun goes down!

The controls are pretty simple and have a Zelda element to them and I got on with them straight away. I was using the keyboard but you can also use the gamepad if you have one.

The art style is simple yet beautiful in the main game and then there’s the gorgeous pixel art cut scenes that remind me of Cities Of Gold. There’s honestly a lot going for this game and I have only just started out on my Count Of Lucanor journey.

I can’t wait to put more time into this beautifully crafted game.

Make sure you get your hands on this surreal and pretty adventure that uses dark humour and scares to great effect. It will be well worth your time and I know that you will also fall in Love with it as much as I did from minute one!


Ratings Explained
ICE COOL (Great Game Recommended)
MELTING (Just Falls Short Of Greatness)
MELTED (Not A Recommended Purchase)

+ Beautiful Pixel Art
+ Awesome Contrast Of Atmosphere Between Day & Night
+ Great Pixel Art Cutscenes
+ Easy To Pick Up And Play
+ Great Humorous Touches  

Suggested Improvements:
- Crashed A Couple Of Times But All Progress Was Automatically Saved 
(not much of a problem)

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