

☆ Generation 64 Has Landed...Are You Ready? ☆ #Retrogaming #Commodore64

Word Has Reached Me That Generation 64 Has Landed.....

It's Time For You To Get Involved.....

A couple of weeks back the guys at Bitmap Books received Generation 64 back from the printers, and they are mega pleased with how how the awesome Commodore 64 inspired book has turned out. 

Bitmap are currently packing up and fulfilling all Kickstarter backer and website pre-orders and shipping is happening now. 


YOU can still pre-order Generation 64 and it is due to go on general sale at the beginning of April.

Check out some of the photos below and also the video where Jimmy Wilhelmsson, the author of Generation 64 talks about the idea behind this beautiful hardback book all about the Commodore 64.

Now You've Seen The Pics and The Video I Know You Want The Book!

Head Over To and GET INVOLVED!

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