

☆ The Games Freezer Video Game Art Shop Bursts Into Life! ☆ #Retrogaming #GameArt


I've always had a passion for video game art. Whether that's pixel art or re-imagining of video games in the form of posters and niche subjects from particular games.

I love the nods to video games I've played in the form of fan art and cool designs.

So much so that I thought i'd give it a go myself as it allowed me to get my creative side into gear by utilising my artistic skills as well as my writing skills.

I've sat down in front of my laptop and just let my mind wander to come up with some of my own video game art.
"Blast Processing"

I hope you like at least one piece of art that I have created and maybe you might like to nip over to The Games Freezer Video Game Art Shop and see what you can buy from the site below

Let Me Know What You Think Of My Work In The Comments Box Below...

"Stay Frosty Freezer Followers"

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