29 Sept 2016

☆ EGX 2016 And The Hedgehog Strikes Back! ☆ #GamersUnite #EGX2016

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EGX 2016 has been and gone.

4 Days Of Video Gaming Bliss Have Passed.

I was lucky enough to attend this prestigious event as a member of the press and I would love to tell you EVERYTHING that happened BUT that would probably take up around 5000 words.

Instead of that then I will shower you all with pictures of the merriment on offer and give you a flavour of my favourite part of EGX 2016.

As I entered the giant hall at NEC Birmingham my breathe was taken away with the vast amount of gaming on offer for me to dip into.

The one thing that really caught my attention though was the massive SEGA banner popping up in the right hand corner of the NEC.

There’s something about that logo that makes my heart beat a little faster. This year I knew that the main man was going to be there too.

The “Blue General” was back and this time he was Retro!

It was a sight to behold when I saw the queue forming to get a go on SONIC Mania. The nostalgia was intense and only bolstered by the big blue SONIC statue that was next to the forming queue.

This was a selfie opportunity not to be missed!

If Nintendo had have been at the show it would have felt like 1991 and I would have truly been in SEGA vs NINTENDO land. It’s a shame the BIG N didn’t show up this time as last year their stall was awesome fun.

Whilst in the queue for SONIC I was  surrounded by eager hedgehogs who were excited to get a hands on with the blue dude.

When we finally reached the front it was SHOWTIME and I can honestly say it didn’t disappoint. Sonic Mania is the game you’ve been waiting for. It’s a stonking sequel to the original series and I love it with all my heart as you can tell it has been made with love for the Sonic franchise and not just to cash in on the blue cash cow. Finally I can say SEGA is back! (sort of)

The game isn’t due out till next year but this demo has proved they are on the right track.

After tackling SONIC I was in a daze of adrenaline and high emotion as I went about sampling the delights of the show floor.

I paid particular attention to the awesome retro gaming area from Replay & Funstock and spent many an hour playing Arcade Classics, Pinball and some of the greatest consoles ever made.

The E-Sports areas were brilliant as I witnessed Tekken 7 and SFV in all their competitive glory.

There was so much going on that my feeble brain exploded with excitement and wonder as I floated around the arena.

This was surely my favourite video games show of all time and I can’t wait for next years show……

Here’s some of the delights that were on offer for me to get involved with (obviously fuelling myself with Tornado as I went about my business)

Did you visit the greatest video games show in town this year?

What were your highlights?

Let Me Know In The Comments Box Below

Send Me Some Of Your EGX2016 Pics And I Can Get Them Added To The Games Freezer EGX Gallery.

"Stay Frosty Freezer Followers"

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