

☆ Battle Princess Madelyn The Long Awaited Sequel To Super Ghouls N Ghosts!? ☆

Battle Princess Madelyn - PC (PRE-ALPHA BUILD)

The Video GameKickstarter campaign for Battle Princess was funded in Just 5 Days! 

The clamour to back this game has been phenomenal and I can see why.

This video game has been made with love. It was inspired by a conversation with the developer's daughter as he played through Ghouls N Ghosts and his daughter said she'd like to be in the game. At that point, the idea was born and the creative process began!

I have been lucky enough to get my hands on a Pre-Alpha build of the game to see what the fuss is all about and I'm happy to say that I totally get it and I'm excited to see the finished game.

First things first, this game is the sister of Super Ghouls N Ghosts in every way. It's hard as nails platforming and action and it's relentless from minute one.

Just like Ghouls N Ghosts, you start out by throwing spears at enemies and bounding around with a double jump in your repertoire.

The in game action comes thick N fast as you battle your way through the side-scrolling levels. Just like Ghouls N Ghosts, it's a tall order just to get through Level 1! You know that you are definitely in for a challenge with this one!

You battle for vengeance in a party of 3. One of your companions is a King looking character and the other is the ghost of your dog!

There's a cool Map Feature that allows you to explore the world and potentially track back to parts of the game where you missed out something or have potentially uncovered a secret item. 

On the map is the chance to visit your hometown to get hints from the locals. This looks like it will act as the main hub for the game.

Overall this pre-alpha build looks great and would suggest that the game is coming along nicely. 

The pixel art graphics are just astoundingly beautiful and the screenshots probably don't do game enough justice. You just have to play this beauty to realise the attention to detail.

I'd recommend keeping your eyes on this beauty as it will be released across the board when it arrives n late 2017.

Meanwhile, you still have time to get over to the Kickstarter page to get involved and back this brilliant project.

Kickstarter Link:

Steam Page: Battle Princess Madelyn

Indie DB Page:

"Stay Frosty"

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