

☆ Iron Commando & Legend To Be Released On SNES! ☆

Piko Interactive will be bringing out a new video game for the Super Nintendo!

Yes, the SNES is getting another new game in 2017!

Correction, the SNES will be getting TWO new games in 2017!

Iron Commando & Legend are heading to SNES assuming the IndiGoGo campaign is a success.

Let's take a closer look and see what this retro gaming goodness is all about then, shall we?

Some of you may remember that Iron Commando was a Super Nintendo Beat 'em up that was released in 1995 but only in the Japan region.

The developers, Arcade Zone, sold the rights to this video game to Piko so they could begin to localise the game and give it the NTSC and PAL version it deserves! Legend is another video game that was developed by Arcade Zone and released in the United States for the SNES in April 1994. It now commands a price on eBay for over $100!

So the Piko team want to bring it back to the masses by reproducing that great game for a fraction of the price.

Piko Interactive concentrates on development and production of new videos games for retro consoles. 
They also look to, "rescue" video games that did not see the light, or were exclusive to a particular region by acquiring the rights to publish the games and giving them a proper release that they deserve.
Piko has actually already produced a limited amount of copies of Iron Commando for their online Store (less than 100), and are now ready to bring this game to the retro gaming community as a whole! 
Piko believes that these games should be played by anyone that still own the original console, and have chosen IndieGogo to raise awareness of their awesome double game project!

If you don't actually own a SNES but still want to play these two cool video games then Piko have a few pledge options for you:
- Pledge as little as $4 for the PC download key (Steam Key download) which will give you a download code for Iron Commando or Legend.  
- Pledge as little as $100 for a SNES clone console RETRO DUO or RETRO DUE PORTABLE!
- Or go the whole hog and pledge $6000 for the fully fledged custom arcade machine!

Whatever you decide to pledge this is another awesome crowdfunding project for the retro gaming community to get involved in!

Head Over To Indie Go Go Now To Get Your Piece Of The Action!

"Stay Frosty!"

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