

☆ The Spectrum Next Is Giving Me Thrills And They Are Multiplying ☆ #Retrogaming

Video Games related Kickstarters are a plenty on Kickstarter but every now and again there’s a Kickstarter that pops its head above the parapet and demands to be taken notice of!

The Spectrum Next is one such Kickstarter that deserves your longing looks as it essentially is the next in the line of ZX Spectrum hardware.

It could have been called the ZX Spectrum +4 as it aims to stay true to the Spectrum lineage.

So what is this all about?
Let’s find out, shall we….?

Is this an Emulator in a nice shiny box?
NO this is not an emulation solution, this project uses hardware that is compatible with the original ZX Spectrum. It uses something called FPGA technology which other non-emulation machines have used (such as the Analogue NT Mini).

Can it play all the original Spectrum games?
YES, it can. All the original library can be played as it was meant to be played. This has also been tested extensively by the project team via the HDMI connection too. That’s ZX81, 48k and 128k software all supported!

Is it compatible with all the original hardware goodies that are out there?
YES - 95% of the original hardware will work. The exception is the small amount of hardware that may utilise analogic video signals rather than digital ones.

How can I load homebrew games onto the machine?
EASILY The SD card compatibility enables you to do this quickly and easily. You can also utilise the good old tape interface.

Does it have Wi-Fi capability?
YES, but you will need a Wi-Fi module to add it to the network.

Can I save stuff on this new Speccy?
YES using the SD card and the tape interface you can save your ‘stuff’.

Which TV / Monitors are compatible with this cool piece of hardware?
Standard VGA monitors CRT or LCD are supported along with all the usual modern day TVs.

How does audio play?
The HDMI connection also supports full HDMI audio with no messing around.

Will it have colour clash like the original hardware?
YES, but you will have the option tweak the settings to remove the clash. Depends on how authentic you really want to be?

How much will this little beauty cost?
£175 is the most it will cost, however, the more backers the project gets, the less this piece of awesomeness will cost.

Will the firmware be open source?
YES, it’s a key part of the Spectrum Next ethos to keep the firmware as open source which will enable the community to get involved with the evolution of the platform.

What are the Specs of this bad boy super duper Speccy?
512Kb RAM up to 2.5Mb

Z80 normal and turbo modes

Expanded video modes, more colours and sprites

Video Output:
RGB, VGA and HDMI with full audio and video

SD Card slot with DivMMC-compatible protocol

3 x AY-3-8912 and FM audio chips with stereo output

DB9 compatible with Kempston, Cursor and Interface 2 protocols (selectable)

PS/2 port:
Mouse with Kempston mode emulation or an external keyboard

Multiface functionality for memory access, save games, cheats, etc

Tape support:
Mic and Ear ports for tape loading and saving

Original external bus expansion port and accelerator expansion port

Serial interface emulated with ESP8266

Real Time Clock

Accelerator board:
GPU / 1Ghz CPU / 512Mb. Support for USB connections and a second monitor

Special Feature:
"Anti-Brick" you always can recover from a bad update

Now just sit back and take a look at some lovely pictures of this beautiful piece of hardware….

It’s time to back this project and get involved early, head to KICKSTARTER NOW

"Stay Frosty"

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