

☆ How Do You Measure Gaming Prowess? ☆ #GamersUnite

I recently came to the conclusion that I had played a hell of a lot of video games BUT that overall when it comes to being a gamer I'm not very skilled at it.....

(Basically I L♡VE Video Games but I suck at them!)

That got me thinking........

How Can Anyone Measure Their Overall Gaming Rank Against All The Other Video Gamers In The World?

What's The Benchmark To Measure Yourself Against? 

This is when I decided that maybe I could make up my own measurement system...
When I think about this measurement system I think about video games that you have to complete in order to achieve a certain level. 

I'm also thinking that there will be a convenient 10 Levels of prowess in my system that I am coming up with....

Essentially I am about to lay out 10 Missions for you to complete in order to become a Video Games Legend.

The video games are a mix of retro and current generation.

Each Level has a number of games included within it but you are only required to complete one of the video games within that level in order to qualify for that level of gaming.

Take a look and see how many levels you qualify for.

What's the highest level of gaming prowess that YOU have achieved?

Let Me Know In The Comments Box Below




  1. You should go for the best gameplay type. Moreover, the tags or the descriptions of the server will let you know what the server is about. Minecraft Server List

  2. When your website or blog goes live for the first time, it is exciting. That is until you realize no one but you and your. Minecraft servers


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