

☆ Preview:Stonewall Penitentiary - Would you like to play a game? ☆ #GameDev

Stonewall Penitentiary is an upcoming point and click adventure horror video game. 
The demo offered the basic tutorial of the game as well as a tiny bit more of the story. 

You awaken after a dream in a locked prison cell, naked and confused. After looking around you hear someone calling to you, apparently, you are not the only one in this predicament.

You feel your way around using your mouse and clicking on various objects which bring up information about them. Like any other point and click adventure, this game is obviously
a puzzle, so you click your way around until you find what you are looking for, and you make educated decisions on what items to use where and what items to combine.

The game is not graphically advanced, nor is the voice acting supreme, but it get's by and is somewhat immersive in its story telling. So far the horror aspect of the game is not very existent, at least in the demo, but at the end, it seems to be picking up with the addition of a character straight from the Saw franchise. 

There isn't a whole lot to speak on yet, the controls are sound and I didn't notice any bugs throughout my play through, but the demo wasn't very long and leaves you wanting more.

I definitely would like to finish what I started to see how the story unfolds and I would recommend Stonewall Penitentiary to any avid fan of point and click puzzle games or horror enthusiast.

Stonewall Penitentiary releases late 2017...

You Can Play The DEMO Here:

Preview By Stray

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