

☆ SEGA Forever Keeps Rolling ☆ #Retrogaming

So the SEGA Forever Service is alive and kinda kicking.

It’s had its detractors but you can’t deny that it’s exciting to see which titles that SEGA will release next.

So far the list is quite impressive and not just Megadrive games either!

Release Phase
Sonic The hedgehog
SEGA Mega Drive / Genesis
Phantasy Star II
SEGA Mega Drive / Genesis
Comix Zone
SEGA Mega Drive / Genesis
Kid Chameleon
SEGA Mega Drive / Genesis
Altered Beast
SEGA Mega Drive / Genesis
Virtua Tennis Challenge
SEGA Dreamcast
The Revenge Of Shinobi
SEGA Mega Drive / Genesis

SEGA was looking to release a video game every 2 weeks and it appears that so far they are sticking to that.

The sheer size of the back catalogue means that there are so many awesome titles to choose from that you would hope the releases continue to flow.

Anecdotal feedback seems to be mixed as people point to intrusive adverts and poor sound quality.

The adverts can be removed by purchasing the full game and I know that SEGA is working to fix the sound issues.

People have got to remember that SEGA is learning as they go with this project and effectively it’s an adventurous proposition to release a game every two weeks that is optimised for phones.

I for one hope that the quality improves and the release schedule keeps on rolling.

I’m keeping my eyes open for a Streets Of Rage or Road Rash release, that’s when I’ll invest some cash into a Bluetooth controller.

What Releases Would YOU Like To See On SEGA Forever?

Let Me Know In The Comments Box below


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