

☆ The Retro Console Boom Of 2017 ☆ #Retrogaming

It’s an exciting time to be a gamer and if you have an appreciation for retro gaming then it’s like all your Christmases have come at once with all the retro gaming projects that are going on right now.
There’s video game remakes left right and centre, including an awesome SONIC The Hedgehog Game. There’s a whole host of like minded individuals involved a lots of online communities who are making the retro gaming culture live on and on. 

Now there is also many different projects to bring back some of the most exciting hardware from the 80’s and 90’s and for me it’s a pleasure to be at the centre of all this.
There’s lots to look forward to but here’s my pick of the 5 best projects to keep your retro gaming eyes on over the next few months.
Let me know what your favourite project is and which one you will be buying…

1. Spectrum Next
This is probably the most exciting project on this list.
A Sinclair ZX Spectrum rebuilt and reimagined for todays world (back in the day it would have been Tomorrow’s World).
It serves as a functional and yet beautiful addition to the ZX Spectrum hardware models and in my opinion it could possibly be the most amazing piece of retro gaming kit that we have seen yet. It benefits from being created and built by some of the most advanced Speccy minds that exist in the world today.
The remit for the system was to build an updated and enhanced version of the ZX Spectrum that is totally compatible with the original ZX Spectrum.
It was also required to feature the major hardware developments of the past years and jam pack them inside a redesigned ZX Spectrum unmistakable shell created by the original designer, Rick Dickinson. It is clearly inspired by Rick’s original work at Sinclair Research.
You have to be excited by this beauty surely! Even an Amstrad diehard would be going misty eyed for this one their collection of hardware.
Price: Starts from £142.80 (dev kit) up to £330 (accelerated Version)
Release Date: Feb 2018 (Jan 2018 for Kickstarter backers)
2. The 64TM
THE 64 ™ is another reimagined version of an 80’s home computer legend, the Commodore 64. Not only is this project looking to reimagine the original hardware with an updated faithful reconstruction but it’s also brought its handheld cousin along for the ride. The Commodore 64 will be reimagined in both classic computer and brand new console versions for your gaming pleasure. The passion of the creators is evident as the project is being designed, built and marketed by a team of people who are utterly passionate about the Commodore 64 and retro gaming.  The team were previously involved in bringing to market consoles and products such as the C64DTV ™, and the Nintendo Wii.
Price: £150 Desktop Version - £170 Handheld Version (IndieGoGo Backers)
Release Date: December 2017

3. SNES Classic


The SNES classic is probably the hottest reimagined retro console out there at the moment. all pre orders are snapped up within minutes and it has well and truly lit the imagination of gamers worldwide. A miniature Super Nintendo with 21 games pre loaded is a dream come true for many gamers. Let's hope Nintendo can keep up with the demand this time as gamers get the first chance ever to get their hands on StarFox 2!

Price: £69.99

Release Date: September 2017

4. Armiga

The machine, which is called the Armiga, is a beautiful piece of modern technology. 

It’s built around a modern Dual Core ARM CPU, that plays together with a custom made floppy controller. 

The creators have made their own version of the Amiga 'guts' that is capable of reading Amiga disks, decode them and make them available for executing. 

The Armiga aims to emulate both the Amiga 500 with 1MB of RAM and Amiga 1200 with 2MB of RAM as close as possible to the original ones.  

Fully legal copies of Kickstart 1.3 and 3.1 are provided with every Armiga too.

Price: £120 +
Release Date: OUT NOW

5. Amiga Vampire V4

The “Vampire V4” can work as a standalone Amiga board or an accelerator for older Amigas.
Spec: 512MB of RAM, 40-and-44-pin FastIDE connectors, Ethernet, a pair of USB ports and MicroSD for storage. Micro USB power.
It will be interesting to see how the standalone version is supported. 
Will it come with an Amiga casing?

Price: £TBC
Release Date: 2017 Q4

What's YOUR Personal Fave Out Of This Lot?

Let Me Know In The Comments Box below...


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