

☆ Review: Little Nightmares Comic #1 & #2 "Discover The Maw At Your Own Risk..." ☆

Title: Little Nightmares - Publisher: Titan Comics

Imagine something dark and dank. Imagine a world filled with grotesque individuals who prey on the weak and small. Now imagine a little girl in a bright yellow raincoat who resides in this world and must face her greatest fears in order to survive.

It's grim and it's bleak but this comic is intriguing and mysterious.

I've taken a look at issues 1 and 2 of the comic and I am totally intrigued with a story that I can't stop thinking about.

Little Nightmares introduces its world to the reader in a way that makes you fear for the little girl's safety from the first page onwards.

Six is the name of the sad faced girl and she exists in this bleak world alongside other children who look equally saddened in their hooded attire.

Six tells her tale of constantly running from the grotesque adult monster caricatures that inhabit this world (referred to as 'The Maw' and her desperate story of survival and loss. The opening comic also gives us a small insight into how she became to be where she is and what her brother may have done to try and ensure her safety.

It's all very cryptic and requires you to pay attention to the small details to try and piece together what the hell is going on.

There are also 5 variant covers for each of the issues all daubed in the striking artwork from various artists as well as a Game Art cover straight from the video game.

Issue 2 picks up again with the stories from 'The Maw' and leads us through a story of child like curiosity that leads to tragedy. It tells of a familiar story of children investigating an intriguing house but as readers we know that this can only lead to one thing.

It had me dreading the next page turn as I was scared to discover what laid in wait for the group of children that were almost lured into this nightmare world....

Since reading these comics the stories have truly stuck with me and I am looking forward to searching out Issue 3 to see where this leads.

If you're a fan of gritty and scary visual novels then this will be the thing for you.

Until next time, you'll find me tip toeing through the shadows in 'The Maw'..... 


Review by Rich

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