

☆ Things That Go Into The Back Of The TV ☆ #Retrogaming

Recently I stumbled across a picture of an Atari TV Switch Box on Twitter. 
That picture brought back many of the memories of connecting various consoles to my old CRT TV that I had in my bedroom for many years. I always thought the switch boxes looked pretty cool and were an elegant solution to switching between the console of choice and the TV picture.

It got me thinking about all the things that you would plug into the back of consoles and TVs over the years.

Here’s my nostalgic glance at each of these items and what they were used for:

Atari TV Switch Box

This is the picture that sparked my memories off.
The Atari TV Switch box allows you to switch between TV and Atari.

SEGA Megadrive Switch Box

This little black box looked really cool with the SEGA logo emblazoned on it.
Again this allows you to switch between TV and SEGA.

SEGA Master System Switch Box

This Master System version looks more like the Atari version as it has the metallic case and the same silver and black look.
Again this allows you to switch between TV and SEGA Master System.

Super Nintendo Switch Box

Packed in with the Super Nintendo was a generic switch box that looked like the SEGA one but without any logo. A bit underwhelming considering it was from Nintendo. I’m guessing that Nintendo maybe took the decision to procure a load of unbranded cheaper boxes rather than produce Nintendo branded ones.
Again this allows you to switch between TV and SNES.

Looking at the U.S Version of the Switch Box it would appear in the U.S you were given a far cooler grey RF Switch Box with Nintendo discreetly emblazoned across it.

I wonder the UK version was given the boring black box?

Amiga 500 Modulator

This is a bit different to the other boxes as this plugged into the back of the Amiga 500 and enabled you to display the Amiga 500 picture to any TV. It was infamous for being darn ugly as it hung out the back of the already enormous Amiga 500. It was also notorious for being so easy to knock out of position and this would result in you losing picture on your TV. A classic piece of Amiga hardware that will bring a smile to most Amiga fans.

This is just 5 solutions from the retro gaming era can you point me in the direction of other little boxes that brought the magic of video games to our oversized TVs in decades gone by?

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