

☆ The Deep Freeze Number 4 (Mar 2018) – HeroQuest, Steven Seagal and Video Games Above TV ☆ @BrittRecluseuk @kingdomofcarts

In this crazy old Video Games Freezer we get up to a lot of stuff over the course of a month like picking our noses and scratching our bums, so Britt and I would like to share with you some of our gaming and other life stuff highlights and low lights of the month of March 2018.

Step into the Freezer and we shall share with ye...


Games played (March)
I’ve smashed through quite a few games this month, Outlast 2, Urban Trial Playground, Mass Effect Andromeda, Double Kick heroes and D/Generation to name a few. Andromeda is the one I’m currently playing and whilst I’m enjoying it, it runs like Steven Seagal on my PC so an upgrade is definitely in order!
Movies watched (March)
I haven’t watched a film in a good while. I did see Annihilation with a monumental hangover so I must admit that it didn’t have my full attention and the ending escaped me, somewhat.
TV watched (March)
I’ve seen some episodes of The Sinner, Glitch and another about ghosts in an Alaskan town but I rarely watch TV, I get antsy and my hands don’t know what to do with themselves ( I think that was Jeffrey Dahmer’s defence) so I usually only watch a few episodes if my partner has something on. Games over TV any day of the week, for me!
Highlight of the month (March)
Finishing my book, Arthur Parallax: A Gaming Icon and finally uploading it to Amazon!
Lowlight of the month (March)
Using my bonus ‘sensibly’* instead of spending it on games, flares and cowboy boots.
Most looking forward to (April)
Seeing what games I get sent to review so that I can raise the flaming gavel of judgement!
Favourite Board Game ever
For me, it’s Hero Quest. Rarely have I had so much fun with a game, it’s straightforward enough for anyone to understand the rules after a while and I have laughed until I’ve cried watching people stab each other in the back, lose fights by charging in and blaming each other for mission failures. Awesome game that may be too simple for some but still stands the test of time. A great way for any fantasy-lover to get hips deep into board gaming.


Games played in (March)
More sublime Zelda on the Switch is where i'm at right now and when i'm not wandering the plains of Hyrule getting done over by Lizalfos at every turn then I have been getting my fix on various SNES football games for our YouTube Series

Disc Jam on the Switch along with Bombslinger have also featured. Not only that but I have been playing some lovely games for our Ten Minute Taster YouTube series such as Super Daryl Deluxe and Minit

Movies watched (March)
I watched Matilda with my Kids for the first time and it was great. 

I also watched Annie with the kids which was also surprisingly great. 

Throw Horrid Henry The Movie into the mix and you can see where March went in terms of movies with the kids!

Then I went to the Cinema with the kids to watch Paddington 2 which was brilliant.

On a more adult note, I got half way through All Eyez On Me on Netflix and I will be watching the rest tonight hopefully as I soak up a bit of 2Pac gangster nostalgia (the depiction of Biggie Smalls made me laugh out loud)
TV watched (March)
I'm going to say that in terms of TV watched in March it was a shamefully Masterchef full month! The guilty pleasure is made a bit more acceptable by the fact that I played Switch through every moment whilst my wife gave me commentary of the best bits.

I've been binge watching One Credit Classics on YouTube as his videos are so awesome that I can't get enough right now. Watch the Striker and Golden Axe Episodes, trust me!

I've been all over GamePlay Jenny's YouTube Channel also as she got me hooked on Theme Hospital again!

Or what about Octavius Kitten and her world of Spectrums, Game Reviews and Kittens.

Just realised that I may not need a TV Licence soon as YouTube is my friend!
Highlight of the month (March)
Re-discovering my love hate relationship with Super Nintendo football games. I realise once again why I used to play these poorly implemented football video games.

Also finding Screwball Scramble in immaculate condition for £2 in my local charity shop was a true highlight that I had to share on Twitter as it's the law.
Lowlight of the month (March)
Noticing my first grey hair and also realising my stubble is beginning to grey. I'm truly Retro...
Most looking forward to (April)
Completing Zelda on Switch? (probably not happening)
EGX Rezzed at Tobacco Dock is gonna be awesome with Tim Schafer giving a career talk on the Friday 13th slot.
Favourite Board Game ever
This is a tough question and my shortlist consists of Key to The Kingdom, Cluedo, Scrabble, Monopoly, Ghost Castle and HeroQuest. 

Taking everything into consideration i'm going to go with Ghost Castle. Dropping that skull down the castle tower and seeing which trap it was going to set off was truly an amazing board game moment for me when I first played it and still remains to this day.

We'll Be Back Next Month With Another Instalment Of The Deep Freeze


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