The hand-drawn ‘doodled’ graphics, fast, smooth pace and energetic music is accompanied by game play that is both cute and extremely tough.
This isn’t a difficulty spike…it’s a difficulty MONOLITH, with each jump over platforms, fire and pitfalls needing to be pixel perfect in order to proceed.
Luckily, you can collect matches to light farts (fewf) that not only act as an extra boost over obstacles but as a deterrent for your pursuer (In all fairness, if somebody farted in my mouth as I was running after them, I’d probably slow down for a quick dry heave as well).
The demo features a greyed-out multiplayer mode that could definitely have an impact on the playability and shelf-life of Escape Doodland, but my main concern is that the genre itself is so slight that it feels more at home on a mobile device as opposed to a full-screen setup.
If you are a fan of the genre, this is a solid game with charm, humour and hopefully a soon to be implemented multiplayer mode to make the action even more fun, but if auto-runners aren’t your thing, I doubt that it will sway you as it isn’t making any huge changes to the formula.
Right, I’m off to buy some air freshener.
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