

๐Ÿ•น️ Play Expo London 2018 - "A homage to the colossal retro gaming event that was Play Expo London 2018" ๐Ÿ•น️ #Retrogaming @ReplayEvents

"A homage to the colossal retro gaming event that was Play Expo London 2018!

Full of Arcade Cabinets, Retro Systems and tons of merchandise it was a retro gamers dream..."


⚽️ Episode 25: World League Soccer - 1991 - CLAB - SNES Football Games were Shite ⚽️ @dndn1011 #Retrogaming

⚽️ Strange things are afoot in the world of SNES football games as I investigate World League Soccer, is it Kick Off 2? Is it GOAL!? Is it Pro Soccer? Is it made by Dino Dini? Watch and find out....⚽️
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๐Ÿ‘น Preview: Tanzia "Feels like a HD re-master of a PS2 game" ๐Ÿ‘น #IndieGame #GameDev

Although Tanzia is a game that initially charms with its cute characters, vibrant colours, joyful sound track and strong introduction sequence, the actual playing of the game feels like a HD re-master of a PS2 game with floaty, weightless controls and repetitive game play that unfortunately takes away too much  fun from the title to make it a recommended purchase.


๐Ÿ‘จ‍๐Ÿ”ฌ VR Review: Throw Anything "A dastardly scientist, known only as Scientist X, is trying to take over the world!" ๐Ÿ‘จ‍๐Ÿ”ฌ @gazchap #IndieGame #GameDev @

Developer: Visual Light 
Platform: PC – SteamVR (reviewed using Oculus Rift + Touch) 
Throw Anything is developer Visual Light’s first release on Steam, coming out of Early Access on July 26th with the full game.


๐Ÿ•ฏ️๐Ÿ” Preview: Lamplight City - "A unique adventure that draws from various sources and styles to create a world of its own" ๐Ÿ•ฏ️๐Ÿ” #IndieGame #GameDev @GrundislavGames

Lamplight City (Preview) by Grundislav Games
It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of adventure games in all forms, having enjoyed the genre over the last thirty years, sometimes a newly released game can be truly great but the tired reliance on illogical ‘use item on  other item’ puzzles and pixel-hunting can too often cloud over great writing and sumptuous, hand-drawn artwork.


๐Ÿ•น️ Review: Crossing Souls "The 80s are strong with this one" ๐Ÿ•น️ #IndieGame #GameDev

Game Title: Crossing Souls
Developer: Fourattic
Platform reviewed: Nintendo Switch
Rating: Ice Cool
There has been a wave of 80s-related games in recent times (as well as throughout all media) and Crossing Souls continues this trend unabashedly. 
Set in American suburbia, Crossing Souls tells the story of a group of children and their involvement with the mysterious Duat stone. 
A fun game with a strong aesthetic and great music, although the game play feels a bit light in certain parts, although the story is fun enough to keep the interest up.


⚽️ Episode 24: Tactical Soccer - 1995 - EA - SNES Football Games were Shite ⚽️ #Retrogaming

๐ŸŽฎ "Tactical Soccer from EA was an attempt at RTS in the Soccer Game world.......
it's safe to say that it didn't end well...." ๐ŸŽฎ



๐Ÿ› ️ Review: Yonder The Cloud Catcher Chronicles "Think of a more sedate Breath of the Wild, where combat and puzzles are replaced with crafting and stone masonry badges" ๐Ÿ› ️ @squareblind #GameDev

"Think of a more sedate Breath of the Wild, where combat and puzzles are replaced with crafting and stone masonry badges. This is Yonder, a simple, yet engaging and relatively budget friendly title"


๐Ÿ‘พ 80 Classic Films Pixel Art Gifs - "Which One Is Your Favourite?" ๐Ÿ‘พ #Retrogaming #80s

Angie's List recently ran an article which contained some amazing animated Pixel Art gifs...

These cool pixel art gifs are Floor Plans from classic 80's films such as Ghostbusters, Back To The Future and Karate Kid!

There are 7 in total, which one is your favourite?  



⛪️ The Video Games Hall Of Shame - #3: "Rich from Games Freezer Confesses About A Video Game Beginning With Z and one with a D!" ⛪️ #Retrogaming

The list of shame for me is a list of those video games that you almost feel like you should've played by now because everyone else loves them or you know you'd love but just never got round to playing them.

Maybe you feel like you've played the game because you've seen so many videos and pictures but then realise that you never actually played the game and maybe just watched someone else play it?


⚽️ Episode 23: Super Soccer Champ - 1992 - TAITO - SNES Football Games Were Shite ⚽️ #Retrogaming

๐ŸŽฎThe Arcade version of Soccer Champ by TAITO was one of my fave Arcade Games in the Arcades of the 90's.

It drew me in with its outrageous presentation and easy to play gameplay.

Will the remastered SNES Super version be a TURD or a TRIUMPH?๐ŸŽฎ


๐Ÿ•น️๐Ÿ•ตThe Video Games Hall Of Shame - #1: "Matilda Tells Us Her Guilty Video Gaming Secrets" ๐Ÿ•น️๐Ÿ•ต #Retrogaming @Bhaal_Spawn

As games players, we all know that it’s impossible to play all the games in the world. 
Hell; its often impossible just to play all the games we actually buy!

I regularly buy games in a Steam sale which I know will download straight to the back of the queue; confused and surprised, having expected to immediately be mummy’s, new baby. 
But NO; they wait an eternity, naked in cold oblivion.
But those games are the lucky ones. 

Sometimes, some games pass you by completely and don’t even get to your list in the first place.
Either way, these are the games which I have never played and which cause me shame.


๐Ÿง ๐Ÿคฏ Review: Esper - "The PSVR Telekinesis Is Strong In this One" ๐Ÿง ๐Ÿคฏ #PSVR

Esper is a VR puzzle game that uses telekinesis to test your skills in solving unique 3D puzzles to progress through the game.

You are a trainee in a government-funded retro spy institution that evaluates new recruits telekinesis powers. 

You start the game on your first day in the government centre undergoing telekinesis assessment tests, checking how well you can use mind powers to carry out your spy missions.


๐Ÿง The Spectrum Retreat - PS4 - Ten Minute Taster ๐Ÿง #GameDev #IndieGame

"There's something sinister about a hotel with no guests apart from you and a bunch of faceless mannequin robots which talk to you....WELCOME TO THE HOTEL PENROSE!" 


⚽️ Episode 22: World Cup USA 94 - 1993 - US GOLD - SNES Football Games Were Shite ⚽️ #Retrogaming

๐ŸŽฎ"The World Watched As USA 94 Kicked Off Without Graham Taylor's England...Could US GOLD Make Up For The Lack Of England With A Great Football Video Game?....."๐ŸŽฎ


๐Ÿ™️ Review: Unavowed "An alternate New York so good, it’s hard to leave" ๐Ÿ™️ #GameDev #IndieGame @WadjetEyeGames @BrittRecluseuk

Developer: Wadjet Eye Games
Platform Reviewed: PC (Steam)
Rating: Ice Cool
Having been a fan of Wadjet Eye Games for years, I must admit that I just assumed that Unavowed would continue their streak of making great games with the foundation solidly placed on an involving narrative set in an immersive world. 

As impressive as their oeuvre has been over the last decade, with pinnacles of the graphic adventure genre such as Technobabylon, Gemini Rue and the Blackwell series, their hit streak continues with what could possibly be my favourite game thus far, Unavowed.


๐Ÿ•น️ Levelling Up in Liverpool "The immortal question, The Beatles…or Heavy Nova?" ๐Ÿ•น️ #Retrogaming

Recently, I was invited by a close friend to accompany him on a trip to Liverpool as he wanted to stay at the Hard Day’s Night hotel, a keen Beatles fan, he was KEEN to fully immerse himself in The Beatles culture that the wonderful city of Liverpool is so (rightly) proud of. 


๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿป‍๐Ÿš€ Preview: P.A.M.E.L.A - PC - "I’m off to pop into stasis until the release date" ๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿป‍๐Ÿš€ #GameDev #IndieGame #EarlyAccess

System: PC
Developer: NVYVE Studios
Some of my favourite moments in video games have come from wandering off the beaten track with a few scraps in my inventory, looking through bins for a few bullets or food to eat. 
There’s something about those scrappy early stages of games such as Fallout that gets lost in the later game when you are wielding laser Gatling guns with companions made of golden sunlight, one-hit killing everything in your path with thousands in the bank. 
Those moments when you don’t know if you’ll survive the next attack or even if you’ll stave of starvation long enough to die in the fight in the first place!


๐Ÿค–๐Ÿ”Ž Review: Detective Case and Clown Bot in "The Express Killer" "A Deeply Flawed 'Comedic' Murder Mystery" ๐Ÿค–๐Ÿ”Ž #GameDev #IndieGame #PointnClick

Developer: NerdMonkeys

Platform Reviewed: PC (Steam)

Rating: Melted

"A deeply flawed comedic murder mystery"

I’ve played quite a few graphic adventure games in my time, some I’ve loved and some that had their issues but Detective Case and Clown Bot in: The Express Killer (DCCB) could well be the worst point and click game that I’ve ever played.


⚽️ Episode 21: Tony Meola's Sidekicks Soccer - 1993 - SNES Football Games Were Shite ⚽️

๐ŸŽฎ"Join me for an overhead kick orgy in the centre circle..."๐ŸŽฎ


⚔️ ๐Ÿ”️ Preview: Caves of Qud (Early Access) "What The Hell is Going On?" ๐Ÿ”️ ⚔️ #GameDev #IndieGame

Game Title: Caves of Qud (early access)

I feel ill-equipped to preview Caves of Qud (COQ) because the only other pure roguelike game that I’ve played in any real depth was Ancient Domains of Mystery, a few months ago (A game that I found to be more initially accessible than Caves of Qud) and I’m glad I did, because compared to this game, ADOM was a breeze.