

🎙️ 5 Video Game Related Podcasts That I Love 🎙️

Podcasts have become a massive part of my video games world.

As I run Games Freezer I feel the need to stay up to date on all things Retro, Indie, and Current Gaming.

The best way to do that for me is using my commute time wisely by tuning into my favourite Podcasts from the world of Technology & Gaming.

When I first entered the world of gaming podcasts it was a tough job to try and find a podcast where the personalities didn’t end up getting on my nerves.

It’s now that I have a list of 5 Podcasts that I truly enjoy and look forward to each week.
Hopefully, you will take the time to check some of these awesome podcasts out and join in the podcast family.

1.       Giant Bombcast and Giant Beastcast (Modern & Retro Gaming Podcasts
"These two Podcasts from Giant Bomb are the golden source of all my video games news and fun! The Podcasts take place on Wednesdays and Friday's and are led by the San Fransisco and New York Giant Bomb teams. I'm so attached to these two podcasts that I get withdrawal symptoms if I don't get a chance to listen in to both on a weekly basis."

2.       The Sausage Factory
"Hosted by Chris O'Regan this great podcast is interview based and focuses on interviews with Indie Game Devs each and every week. The first half of the podcast focuses on the Game Dev and their influences and then the second half covers off the game that the dev is on the show to promote. It's a great podcast expertly hosted by Chris who is clearly passionate about Indie Gaming and the hidden gems that you may not be aware of!"

3.       Retro Asylum
"The Retro Asylum podcast show was launched in October of 2011 and looked at the scene from a UK perspective. Whilst other shows talked nothing but Atari, Nintendo & SEGA, Retro Asylum discusses the systems the British audience had grown up such as the ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64 & Amstrad CPC as well as the consoles and looked at classic British games such as Manic Miner & Chuckie Egg. This is an example of an amazing set of friends creating a podcast that has knocked IGN, Giant Bomb and the Official Playstation Podcasts off of the podcast charts top spot! As a retro gamer, you owe it to yourself to sample this monthly treat!"

4.       Gonarch’s Lair
"Two friends, a thirst for retro and current-gen gaming and lots of banter combine to make a podcast that never fails to bring a smile to my face. Two dudes from North East England who bring the warmth of video games to everything they do and who have become great friends of the Freezer from Episode 1 of their 38.5 Episode (and counting) monthly Podcast."

5.       Maximum Power Up
"The Maximum Power Up podcast has produced one of my favourite podcast episodes ever in the form of a Jaz Rignall interview that I have listened to many times as 90's video games magazines were discussed at length. Maximum Power Up is a must listen event as the team cover subjects and interviews that you might not necessarily get anywhere else."

BONUS - Geek's Guide To The Galaxy

"While not necessarily a Video Games Related Podcast, this still contains a lot of video games references and is geeky to the max with a heap of science fiction and Dungeons and Dragons Talk.....give it a go...what have you got to lose?!"


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