

🎮⏰ The Passing Time Games ⏰🎮

Do you know those games where you’re not really looking to get into it in particular, you just want to have something that’s easy to play whenever. 

The games that won’t so much get you hooked on the storyline, just on the game itself? 

We really do think there is a lack of games like this, unless of course you’re talking about phone games. People seem to be forever playing on Candy Crush, or role playing games like a hospital builder. 

We just get addicted to them because all you have to do is pick the phone out of your pocket, and play. But we want something a little bit more than that. We want the games that really do pass the time when you’re just looking for something a bit simplistic. 

We’ve got a few lined up for you, from both console and mobile, that we think you should give a go. Don’t blame us if you do get a little bit addicted, we think all gaming is in one sense!

Mobile Gaming
We want to start with mobile gaming because we feel as though it’s the most accessible out of all of the options that we’ve got for you today. All you have to do is pull out your phone, load an app or a website, and you’re away. So, the first one is the online gaming world that you can find through websites such as Bitcasino. You can play all sorts of casino games through the use of bitcoin. Considering you can get a lot of bitcoin for rather cheap, it should work out that you could even make some money from this. Of course, you could just go on an online casino site and play for free. Some people are so addicted to just playing blackjack, or even just solitaire. 

But then you’ve also got the big games that you will find on app stores, such as Runescape. Yes, we seriously are throwing it back that far. Runescape can now be used on the app store, played wherever, and it is an immensely fun way of passing the time.

Console Gaming
Do you know those weekends where you’re just sat in bed, not a clue what to do, and the TV is just boring you half to death? 

We know those ones too, so the first thing you should do is jump to your console. 

A game that you can easily play to pass the time without having to worry about a campaign, is Overwatch. It’s a top game that’s massively underrated. You can chose between characters that have different abilities or powers, and you play with a team against an opposition to move a payload from one side of the map to another. 

It’s all about skill, and making sure you use your characters abilities as best as possible. You don’t really need to invest so much time in to it, but it definitely will pass the time. 

You can upgrade your characters as well in terms of what they’re wearing, what tags they produce etc. It’s just a game that’s well worth investing in!

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