

👾 Steve @GAMETelford Talks To Us About Dressing In Lycra, Pong Machines & Chip Buttys - Video Games Memories 👾 #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

Within the gaming community, there are certain people that really stand out as ambassadors for the video games medium and I think today we are lucky enough to have someone with us who gets the idea that video games are all about having fun. 

Our guest today runs the amazing @GAMETelford  Twitter account and manages to combine that sense of fun whilst also doing a day job at GAME in Telford.

The Twitter account is one of my favourite accounts on Twitter and is always guaranteed to raise a smile due to the amazingly talented Steve acting out skits on a weekly basis. 

The amount of effort that must go into the account is astounding and I am really looking forward to today's Video Games Memories with Steve so as we can see what makes the great man tick...

Let's get started with a few questions to provoke the nostalgia gland in Steve's video games brain...
1. What's your earliest video gaming memory?
"Going with my Dad to an old back street pub and being bought a bottle of Vimto and packet of crisps. Sat in the corner of the room was this machine. I eventually wandered over to see this blinking and humming object...It was a Space invader cocktail cab. I don't even remember playing it...Just that sheer awe of seeing it."

2. What was the first video game console or computer that you owned?
"I know we had a home Pong machine when I was young, but my first real computer was the 48K Spectrum. This was mine and mine alone. Things would never be the same again."

3. How did you get into the retro gaming scene on Twitter?"I am just passionate about games overall. Some people talk about cars or football. I just like to talk games and I think you naturally are attracted to those that are into the same as you."

4. What's your favourite retro video game of all time?
"Incredibly difficult to pin it to just one, but I do love Jet Set Willy."

5. What's your favourite retro console or computer of all time?"Without a doubt the Sinclair ZX Spectrum. Gaming in the UK has so much to thank that little rubber keyed box for."

6. What's your favourite retro arcade game of all time?
"Space invaders. The sound effects that get faster as there are fewer and fewer invaders still make my heart race."

7. What's your favourite sandwich?
"It has to be a chip butty. It must be on white bread though." (Sauce or No Sauce? - Rich)

8. What's your favourite cuisine?"Love a curry. the hotter the better."

9. What's your favourite alcoholic drink?
"Mines a pint of IPA. cheers"

10. Which current generation video games are you playing right now?
"I usually have a few on the go. The curse of the modern gamer is the pile of shame.
I am currently addicted to Trials Rising. I love beating a mate on the leaderboard.
I also have on the go Wargroove, Red Dead Redemption 2, The Division 2 and Farcry New Dawn." 

11. Who's your fave person to follow on Twitter? "No chance I'm picking just one! They would lynch me."

12. What's your favourite video game genre?

"Purely based on the hours i have sunk in to it. It has to be football games."

13. If you were a console, which one would you be and why?
"A Vectrex. It's old, obscure and still looks good today."

14. Can you recommend a good retro gaming shop?"It's always worth a visit to Vintage Gamer in Halesowen. I could get lost in there for days."

15. If you were going to do a Cosplay tomorrow, what would it be and why?
"Probably Tracer from Overwatch. Mainly because I can still get in the orange leggings. Lycra is very forgiving."

16. We know you love to dress up as Video Games characters or play out funny skits a lot for your job and would love to know which video was the funniest to record?"

They're all great fun to do. The best is when we get a customer getting involved. the best was probably Parappa the Rappa Master Chop Chop Onion. 

Who knew you could make something so effective out of cardboard and a judo suit?!"

Massive Thanks To Steve For Taking The Time Out Of His Busy Dressing Up Schedule To Talk To Us.

💖 Steve, we love you 💖 

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