

☕️👽 Coffee Crisis Review - Nintendo Switch "Still Full Of Beans" ☕️👽 #GameDev #IndieGame

Last year Britt took a look at Coffee Crisis on the PC and it received an ICE COOL rating for its solid arcade brawler action At first, its sub-fiver price point its inclusion of visual artefacts, mini-games, fun cheat modes and general charm.

Let's take a look to see if those things still hold true or whether the coffee has gone lukewarm on the Nintendo Switch version.

I loved playing Coffee Crisis from the off as its carefree brawler attitude is there from minute one as you start bashing aliens and the elderly over the head with a bag of coffee beans or a cafetiere!

The graphics look lovely still with that SNES 16 Bit Aesthetic really popping on the Nintendo Switch Screen.

Granted the game isn't long but that's the point of this game, it's there to be smashed and bashed through just like a Double Dragon, Final Fight or a Streets Of Rage would be.

My immediate thoughts went to Streets Of Rage when I began playing but the cut scenes from Coffee Crisis give you a little smile as the game doesn't take itself seriously which is great. 

Make no mistake though, this game is polished and the devs know them side-scrolling beat em ups inside out to be able to create such a fun game as this one.

I played the game with my earphones on and I was treated to some ear-splitting Metal Music which draws you into the pounding action nicely and keeps you at a good pace throughout the game.
In summary, our PC review still stands true on the Nintendo Switch as it's a lovely short game that benefits from heaps of charm, fun to play action and a thumping soundtrack backed up by lovely visuals.

If you have a spare £8.99 then you could do much worse than this little espresso of a title on the Nintendo Switch.

Ratings Explained
ICE COOL (Great Game Recommended)
MELTING (Recommended with reservations, one to consider if you are a fan of the genre)

MELTED (Not A Recommended Purchase)

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