

πŸ›©️πŸ—Ί️ 80 Days - REVIEW [Nintendo Switch] - "Jump On The Robot Horse & Carriage From Dubrovnik To Belgrade" πŸ—Ί️πŸ›©️ #GameDev #IndieGames

80 Days was originally a mobile game, then it was ported to the PC, and now it's made its way to the Nintendo Switch.

It fits well on the Switch with its massive library of hidden gems.
The game is a text-based game of old but mixed with a steampunk theme and with an added animation style of its own.
Throughout the game, you need to make sure your master's health is maintained and that you have enough money to transport yourself across the world.

You play as Jean Passepartout, the valet of his master Phileas Fogg. 
You start the 80-day journey with your master, helping keep his health at an acceptable level and using the money given to him to find the right transport. This gives you the freedom of choice as this game gives you many different options to complete the journey. 
The game has a steampunk theme so you will embark on some weird transport methods from flying cities to steampunk-inspired trains. The game makes you feel like the choices are endless with multiple-choices spanning throughout the whole game and also with some secrets hidden within… 
Who doesn't like secret in their games?!
 With all these choices there are an array of different endings with the endless multiple choices! From my play-throughs of the games, I have achieved three different endings so far, but don't worry, I won't spoil them for you!
Within the first 5 minutes of me starting to play, I was in the mindset that this game wasn't going to be for me, but that's because I had never played a text-based game before.
When I actually played the game, I did enjoy it! Though I did get stuck in Tabatinga because I ran out of money and there wasn't a bank, so I had to beg for money, but I was only stuck for 5 to 10 minutes, so that wasn't that bad.
After a while of playing, I'm not going to lie, I did feel slightly bored. Although I do think that is more because this isn't the usual type of game I play, I wouldn't normally go out of my way to play this game. I was surprised by how interesting the game is with all the choices and where you can end up.
The game doesn't take that long to finish. It took me a day to finish it in my first playthrough and it's an easy game to get into with multiple ways to get through the game. I didn't think I would be travelling from Munich to Vienna in a floating city or travel by a robot horse and carriage taking me from Dubrovnik To Belgrade.
Before the summary, I will say that I failed on my first try, and it took me 124 days. Master Phileas Fogg didn't make it in time but I succeeded in my second try. We made it with 3 days to spare. <phew!>

Even though the story behind this game is excellent and there are so many different paths you can use to get to your goal with multiple endings,for me, it still got slightly boring and slightly repetitive.
The game contains a lot of text to read as you are writing your own story about going around the world in 80 days.
People who love writing their own stories will love this game. Maybe you've even played some text games in the past, if so you would probably like this game.
You can literally end up anywhere in the world in this game! Some people will love this, and some people might not, but I still think you should give it a try as it might open you to a new genre of game that you might enjoy!


Ratings Explained
ICE COOL (Great Game Recommended)
MELTING (Recommended with reservations, one to consider if you are a fan of the genre)

MELTED (Not A Recommended Purchase)

1 comment:

  1. You can also start your own server in your room. People will play the game on your server. Minecraft Servers


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