

πŸ› ️🏹 Community Inc. - REVIEW - "Time To Do Some Collecting & Protecting" πŸΉπŸ› ️ #GameDev #CommunityInc #IndieGames

Developer: T4 Interactive 
Format: Nintendo Switch 
Price: £12.99

Community Inc. is the first video game created by T4 Interactive, and it’s a pretty good start for them. T4 are currently making two more video games after the success of this one.

This is a strategy game where you build your village from nothing except a portal. There isn't much story to this game, but it's still interesting enough to keep you engaged. 

You build your village up by collecting and protecting. You must defend your village from some weird beasts that don't have many stories behind them. Some races within the world hate each other for no explained reason. There's a tree man who resembles Ents from Lord of the Rings and always gives me a bit of a fright when he comes onto the screen!

The bit that stood out to me and kept me playing longer were the deals you can make with the other races like the Tree people, Bird people and others. They offer you a contract which you can accept or decline to build something for them for money. I encountered contracts such as build four tables etc.

The mechanics of this game are straightforward somewhat simple which isn’t a bad thing as most strategy games tend to be too hard or trying too hard to do something new. Even though the simple mechanics on this game are quite easy to learn, I would suggest going through the tutorial.

The one thing which did stand out to me was that there was a lack of story.  There were races declaring war, peace or giving you offers. But you had no back story of why some races hate each and so on. Even though the simple game mechanics make the game fun and enjoyable, the lack of story affects the game negatively. 
This is the studio’s first game and it doesn't show, the design and the building mechanics are great. I did like the design of the races they really stood out in the game. I just wish they had a backstory to them!

In summary, the game is well worth playing even though it was lacking a fleshed-out storyline. Strategy games are one of my favourite genres and this did give me a good experience which I will go back to and replay.

Ratings Explained
ICE COOL (Great Game Recommended)
MELTING (Recommended with reservations, one to consider if you are a fan of the genre)
MELTED (Not A Recommended Purchase)

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