

❄️❄️ Frostpunk | REVIEW | PS4 | "Steampunk Design Set in an Ice Apocalyptic World" ❄️❄️ #GameDev #IndieGames

Frostpunk draws inspiration from the massive Punk genres like steampunk and cyberpunk. The game was developed by 11-bit Studio, the same developers who created Moonlighter and This War of Mine. 

Developer Name: 11-bit Studio
Format: PS4 
Price: £30 

FrostPunk takes its theme from the Steampunk design but is set in an ice apocalyptic world where you must make tough decisions to survive in the barren new ice world. The game was initially released on PC, and recently was released on consoles I played it on PS4, and I really enjoyed it. 

The game starts you with nothing but a coal-powered energy source what than you have mine for coal to power. You must find wood to build shelter and other buildings. You must build hunter huts, something I forgot to do in my first time playing, and everyone starved!

So, a tip from me to you would be to build the hunter huts sooner rather than later. You are technically the mayor of this new world and after you get settled, you can go out and find new survivors to build up your city’s population. 

This game brings together survival and strategy, making it a great original game. It takes mechanics from games like Dawn of War and Battle for Middle Earth and mixing it with the survival mechanics. This approach makes you think about resources depleting and fighting against the weather by making sure you have enough coal for the night.  

This game really is an excellent game that has been added to the survival genre of video games. Mostly these types of games usually only get released on PC, this was a surprise to me when it came to PS4.

I’m trying to go into detail without spoiling it, but you have two bars that measure the Hope of your population and the other bar measures the Discontent. These change depending on what happens within the playthrough; for example, if people are dying, the Hope will go down.

If new survivors are coming and your building more shelter and food huts the Hope will go up. There are also rules you can choose from, I won’t go into too much about this because it is a surprise, but they do affect the Hope and Discontent of your population. 

As I was playing through FrostPunk, I found this game harder than usual and I couldn’t understand why. But, after a while of playing and I mean a while, I did notice something.

The game control cursor with which you click on building and workers hasn’t been significantly adapted to console controllers. This could be the big reason why many games with the same mechanics aren’t usually made for PS4 and stay on the PC, but this slight gripe is not a deal-breaker.

The details in this game are amazing from the living conditions to the management of the new, cold and icy city. As your knowledge and skill increase while you build your city, and the choices you make will shape your future city. Hopefully, we will get some DLC for the PS4 even though there is so much content already in there, more can never hurt, in my opinion!
This game is downright one of the best strategy games I have ever played and with its fantastic amount of game mechanics which don’t overload the player.

The game offers a lot of gameplay and a lot of fun, even though it is a dark game. It’s an enjoyable dark game.

Even though I don’t think it plays that well with the PlayStation controller. It doesn’t matter because of how good this game is, it’s obvious how much effort has been put into this game because of how great a game it is. 

Thank you for reading!


Ratings Explained
ICE COOL (Great Game Recommended)
MELTING (Recommended with reservations, one to consider if you are a fan of the genre)

MELTED (Not A Recommended Purchase)

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