

⚔️ Battle Princess Madelyn | PS4 REVIEW | "The Nostalgia is Strong" ⚔️ #IndieGames #GameDev

Battle Princess Madelyn is a Pixel art side-scrolling video game which takes a lot of inspiration from the Ghosts N Goblins series from its combat and mechanics to its art style.

This game a great call back to its Retro predecessor. Being of a certain age, retro for me would be Luigi’s Mansion on GameCube. I did play some Retro games that are similar to this game and if you like Retro games, you will most likely like this as it does feel like you’re playing a retro game which is what the developers at Causal Bit Games were going for. 

The Mechanics of this game are pretty much like the Ghosts N Goblins games. You even lose your armour if you take damage and you attack by throwing spears. There are many different modes like arcade, story and boss run.

Right out the gate this game is hard, well it was for me, so don't expect a walk in the park. There's not a big learning curve, so you will get the hang of the controls when you’re fighting Ghosts- sorry I mean Zombies.

The nostalgia of this game is excellent, I'm a massive sucker for nostalgia and this a game full of it and its great. The pacing of the arcade mode is great with how it slowly rewards you when you go through the game. It’s hard to progress in this game so it’s an awarding experience which kept me playing it.

There are two massive things that stand out to me which made me have second thoughts of calling this a great game.

One is the story and the other is that it takes a bit too much from its retro inspiration.

Let's start with the story mode where you are exploring areas to find different things like NPCs or items, and that is truly frustrating and boring. The arcade mode doesn't have this so you should play that if you are not enjoying the story. I like nostalgia, but there might be a bit too much in this game. It gets weirdly close to a copy of the game, and that isn't a good thing for me as it doesn't have enough of a different feel to make it an original game. 

The arcade mode did stand out though because it does take most of the bad parts out of the game. Still, the story mode of the game is the standard way to play, so that does take some points away from your experience with the game. I would advise playing the arcade instead of the story then maybe trying the story on the second playthrough. 

Title - Battle Princess Madelyn
Developer Name – Causal Bit Games 
Format – PS4 
Price – £25

The game is ok, but the nostalgia of this game got a bit too close to the inspiration they based the game on.

The game's story is something you should miss and go straight to the arcade mode to have the best experience out the game.

This game was a hard one for me to review as I'm not a massive Retro game fan, but I did enjoy it although the story mode was a let me down. 


Ratings Explained
ICE COOL (Great Game Recommended)
MELTING (Recommended with reservations, one to consider if you are a fan of the genre)

MELTED (Not A Recommended Purchase)

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