

⚔️ Northgard | Review | Nintendo Switch | "This One Is For The Viking Lovers" ⚔️ #northgardswitch #GameDev #IndieGames

Northgard was originally released on PC, PS4 and Xbox, it has now been released on Nintendo Switch. 

Developer Name: Shiro Games
Format: Nintendo Switch 
Price: £30

The game is a strategy-based game. The release on the Switch is an excellent idea as there aren't many strategy games on the Switch at the moment. But a couple of recent releases including this one seems to be changing that. 

The game is set around the time of the Vikings, focusing on one member of a clan of Vikings. I suggest playing the story first before playing the Skirmish Mode as it explains how you play the game. I didn't do that, and I was very confused about what to do to survive. 

There is some mythology in the game, but I won't spoil anything for you, so you'll have to find out for yourself.

The game is a general strategy game, you build houses and raise a clan of troops to battle another clan and some beasts around the game world map. Although it is pretty similar to some strategy games, it differs from most strategy games.

It has a weather system and as time passe the weather changes in line with the seasons. With the change in weather complications then arise. For example, more wood is used in the colder weather and warriors become slightly weaker due to the cold. 

The voice acting for this game is surprisingly solid with some of the story being told through small image cut scenes with commentary on offer to explain the story which is excellent.

That's not usually the case for strategy games, they don't often put that much effort into voice acting, but this game has. But I might be slightly biased with this one because I like anything to do with Vikings!
The overall story behind Northgard is a good story and it keeps you invested in the game. 
Each mission can get slightly dull though as the levels do go on for a while and with the slightly smaller armies which you have at your disposal, there isn't a massive amount of things to do to prepare.

It just somewhat seems like you’re going through the motions although there are couple more things to do later on in the story, it is still slightly boring with nothing really different added to a strategy game.  

As is traditional in Viking games it touches on Norse mythology by including Norse gods and Norse stories. I also like the use of runes and blessings in the game which add to the variation of the gameplay mechanics.

I can't think of any other strategy game that lets you control different clans of Vikingsbut Northgard does this really well and it made this a really enjoyable facet to the game.
Although the game has a great concept and a good story, the actual gameplay did let it down a slightly.

Maybe it could benefit from smaller areas to work through.

Although anyone who enjoys strategy games or Viking mythology should definitely pick this up.

But for the hardcore strategy gamer, I would suggest you have a look into the game before you make the purchase as even though I did enjoy the game, I think that was more to do with the Viking mythology within it.
Ratings Explained
ICE COOL (Great Game Recommended)
MELTING (Recommended with reservations, one to consider if you are a fan of the genre)

MELTED (Not A Recommended Purchase)

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