

💺🎮Tips For Making Your Gaming Experience More Comfortable 💺🎮

Gaming has changed so much in such a short space of time that many of us who game can end up spending hours on gaming because there’s so much more to be engaged with.

With long storylines and bigger maps, you might be starting to feel a little uncomfortable.

So here are some tips to make your gaming experience more comfortable.

Turn Up The Screen Brightness
A lot of gamers will have a typical set up when it comes to their gaming. If they’re playing in the daytime, then they are likely going to close any blinds or curtains and play in the dark. If gaming only happens in the evening for you, then most won’t turn on the light to illuminate the room. This can be quite bad for your eyesight, even if you enjoy the darkness around the screen because it focuses it more. However, when you’re watching something in the dark, you’re naturally straining your eyes to see the screen, and that can be dangerous. You’re more likely to suffer from headaches because of it, and it could develop a certain tick of squinting. So turn on the lights and if you feel like you’re not getting the best experience, turn up the screen brightness. That will make it clearer for you to see what’s going on without needing to keep the light’s off.

Get Glasses That Block Blue Light
Blue light is in all our electronic devices, and this can affect how quickly we get ourselves off to sleep, especially when using your mobile phone before bed. Not only that but too much blue light and your eyes will start to feel sore. This isn’t something that you want because it can likely restrict the amount of game time that you can get because your eyes are sore, and this can lead to more head pain too. Now though, you have glasses that can you purchase simply off a site like Amazon or down your local opticians that can block out that blue light completely. And with regular use of these glasses, you’re like to have fewer headaches, and you’ll also notice a difference in how sore your eyes are. Always approach a screen with these glasses on if you’re going to be playing it for a prolonged period of time.

Turn Down The Music
Loud music is disruptive for anyone else in the house with you. You always want to be cautious with just how loud it is because you don’t want it to be having an impact on your ear health. Try to keep the music at a level that is requiring you to listen more carefully. Whenever you have those warning signs pop up on your screen about the noise being too loud, you should adhere to these warnings. If you wanted to improve the quality of the sound, then you can always invest in a better speaker system to make the music clearer and with more to it. 

Upgrade Your Tech
With technology, we can do gaming whenever we want. There’s only 4 Things You Need for Gaming on the Go which is great if you find that you’re someone who’s really invested into their gaming, no matter where they are. However, some of the tech that you currently have might not be the best for what you’re trying to play. So many games now are exceeding a lot of traditional PCs and gaming systems and so you often find that they need to release a new type of console in order to help play those games. So look into what type of consoles or gaming equipment you use and what might need updating pretty soon. It means that not only do you get better quality but it also helps you to improve your gameplay personally. You'll be surprised by just how much graphics can change with a new gaming pc or console.

Replace Your Gaming Chair
A gaming chair is an essential to any gamer. A standard computer chair won’t have the proper support that a gaming chair has in order to help support the body for a long period of time. Whether you’re using a standard office chair or perhaps an armchair from your dining living room, it’s not going to feel comfortable for very long. Try to find the right gaming chair for you because there’s definitely a variety out there for you to choose from. Go for a combination of comfort and style, and you can always get extra support for those areas where you might be suffering a little more than usual. The lower back and shoulders tend to be a typical pain point. Remember to keep your posture straight, rather than being slouched or hunched over.

Add To Your Gaming Controller
With a gaming controller you’re using it for so long that over time, your hands and the tips of your fingers are going to become irritated. Particularly so on your thumbs that are playing on the analogue sticks. As they’re usually made out of a hard plastic or something to that degree, it can end up rubbing against your skin and causing you sores and pain. You can alleviate this pain by getting some rubber covers, and these don’t need to cost much at all. 

Invest In Some Headphones
Headphones can really help you get into the world of your game as some headphones can help block out the rest of your surroundings. This is definitely something you might want to invest in when you’re gaming from home. On the go, you might want to be cautious and maybe only have one headphone in or cheaper headphones where you can still hear what’s going on around you. It’s always good to have your awareness about you when you’re outside.

Your gaming experience can always be improved and most importantly, you always want to feel like you’re supported and that you’re keeping your body supported and comfortable throughout your gaming sessions, no matter how long they go on for.


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