

⛏️⚔️ Forager | REVIEW | PC | "simple but in-depth mechanics" ⛏️⚔️ #GameDev #IndieGames

Forager doesn’t seem to have a story but it does have some solid gameplay. It’s made by the same people who made Impossible Dungeon which was a four-player game which I personally haven’t played but does look pretty good. Although I don’t usually enjoy games without a story behind them, I did enjoy this one.
My enjoyment of this fun to play video game was down to the simple but in-depth mechanics of the game. You play as the forager and as implied by the name you forage for different items to make different in-game things. 

The game takes inspiration from games like Stardew Valley, Minecraft and classic Zelda games from back in the Snes days. Putting together open-world top-down gameplay with the creative mechanics of Stardew Valley.

The player is able to buy land to expand their territory, and with more land to explore creates more secrets to uncover and puzzles to solve. But with new land comes new enemies to defeat but also new friends to find.

You’ll also have to defend your base against foes and you’ll gain new skills and abilities to fight off any challengers.  
I thought the progression in this game was great and it was truly addictive and fun. I'd mainly compare it to Stardew Valley, which that shows how good the mechanics are and how much effort has been put into the progression system of the game because you just want to go deeper into the system to find and create more. 

I have to say, even though the game is enjoyable, the lack of story in the game is the part of the game I’m unhappy about. The gameplay can only keep you playing for a certain amount of time. There needs to be a story which can truly hook you, without it, there is no big hook to keep you going back to play more. 

The massive stand out which does slightly get you over the lack of story is the progression system. It’s slow-burning and makes you not want to put it down. Without this, the game wouldn’t be enjoyable. This makes it a good game, although this game won’t be for everyone. If you are a fan of other creative games like Minecraft or Stardew then you should buy this game. 
Even though the lack of story in this game would be bad for some gamers. The progression system keeps you playing for a long time. The creative aspects of the game keep you interested. Its such a simple game but it has depth and that combination never gets old. It’s a good game which I will be going back to playing after finishing this article. 

Title - Forager
Developer Name - Hop-Frog
Format - Steam
Price - £30

Ratings Explained
ICE COOL (Great Game Recommended)
MELTING (Recommended with reservations, one to consider if you are a fan of the genre)
MELTED (Not A Recommended Purchase)

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