

💀⚔️ SKUL: The Hero Slayer | PC | PREVIEW | "The Thigh Bone is Connected The Knee Bone" 💀⚔️ @HeroSkul #GameDev #IndieGames

I was kindly supplied with a preview key for Skul: The Hero Slayer and I have finally gotten around to playing this beautifully crafted pixel art rogue-lite platformer video game.

In Skul, you play as an adorably drawn pixel art skeleton called Skul who is tasked with saving the day by avenging the evil invasion of the King's castle. Skul takes on the Imperial Army and attempts to rescue his King from captivity in this rogue-lite 2D platformer.

I wish I hadn't taken so long to get playing this as the game has clearly been made with love and is really sharp to play and a joy to control.

Let's start off with the one thing that I think could make this game better though, that one thing is a little reward for your efforts. 

This game is as tough as old witches boots and is totally unforgiving. The lovely looking pixel art graphics lull you into a false sense of security as it kills you again and again which is par for the course for this genre, but upon every death, you lose ALL of your ill-gotten gains and are sent back to the castle to start again.

It feels like there could be at least some kind of carryover from the previous run that could keep you coming back for more or maybe some kind of light checkpointing system that gives you a little leg up after the hundredth time of trying the same level again!

For example on one of my many runs, I managed to pick up a Wolf's head which changed up my attack patterns and tactics and this was so much fun to play with but alas, as soon as I died <again> my wonderful wolf head was a goner! I was distraught <cries into keyboard>

Each play through generates new level layouts and each play is fresh enough to keep you interested but the constant death can lead to you getting a little burnt out a bit from all the effort for not much reward.

I say to you, stick it out and get better as the eventual pay off feels great when you are double air dashing, throwing your skull and chopping up evil baddies n beasts with your mate's femur bone!
In summary, I'd say keep an eye on this one as it has the potential to be one of the best indie games of the year with a little fine-tuning from the devs.

Get it on your wishlist and keep your eyes peeled for a full release in 2020!
"RIGHT! I'm off to pummel a rogue oak tree into submission with my mate's thigh bone"

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