

🌞🕶️ The Touryst | Nintendo Switch | Review | "The Perfect Time For A Virtual Sunny Holiday" 🌞🕶️ @ShinenGames #GameDev #IndieGames

I’ve had my eye on The Touryst since last year when my friend (and State of Play co-conspirator) Rupert suggested it as he had enjoyed playing it so much.

A few weeks later and I was watching a Digital Foundry episode on the game – naturally focussing on the more technical aspects – and I was completely sold. 
Last week, I didn’t just play the game. I inhaled it.
Set upon a tropical archipelago, you (as the titular Touryst) casually make your way around the scattered islands and solve puzzles, collect coins and generally help out everyone that you meet as you search every nook and cranny.
Played from an isometric viewpoint and with a focus on exploration and a complete lack of combat, the game tickled the part of my brain that reminded me of my beloved Landstalker, the jaunty music, sense of fun that pervades the entire game and absolute smoothness in the animations were like settling into a massive beanbag for the gamer in me.
This isn’t a full review of the game; I just had such fun with the game that I wanted to share the love. With the national lockdown in effect, it felt like the perfect game to play, challenging without being taxing and rich with good, positive vibes and sunshine, I thoroughly enjoyed the few hours I spent with The Touryst and it’s clearly going to end up on my game of the year list.
I urge you to pick up this game, especially if you are feeling a bit under the weather with the current situation brought on by the Coronavirus, The Touryst is guaranteed to put a smile on your voxelised face.

Soon you’ll be collecting records for a DJ, posing as a footballer; exploring mysterious, ancient dungeons; collecting coins; flying drones.

Basically, having a darn good time.
Right, I’m off to beat Bob’s high scores in the arcade!


Ratings Explained
ICE COOL (Great Game Recommended)
MELTING (Recommended with reservations, one to consider if you are a fan of the genre)
MELTED (Not A Recommended Purchase)

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