

⚔️👑 ⏪ Farabel | Review | Nintendo Switch | "Get Some Of That Sweet Sweet Queen Healing!" ⚔️👑 ⏪ @FrogamesFarabel #GameDev #IndieGames

I've been playing Farabel on my Switch Lite* recently and I have to say that I am pleasantly surprised by this Turn-Based Strategy game from Frogames.

Farabel is a turn-based strategy game whereby you start at the end of the story and as you progress through the story mode you level down instead of up.

At your disposal, you have various units that you able to command to beat the enemy to a pulp. As the king, you command these units and also have the power to utilise a limited ability of time rewind within battle which can really even up the odds within the battle for you when used right.

Your queen also has the ability to heal units to great effect and its the use of the time rewind ability and the healing ability that will set you on the right course throughout this cool vide game that is ideal for the Switch's small screen.

The visuals are simple but clear and do the job well and the objectives are varied enough to keep you on your toes throughout the campaign.

When I first loaded this up on the switch I thought "here we go, another mobile port to Nintendo Switch" but once I got stuck into the game it was far from that and has its own distinct chat=racter as well as it's distinct gimmick that sets it aside from most other turn-based strategy games of this ilk.

I found it really easy to pick up and play and was set to go after a few minutes of grasping the controls and understanding the key mechanics.

Through playing this well-built game I was able to uncover the nuances of combat and to develop the right tactics to smash the enemies in my way and before long I was ensuring that my King and Queen were looking after their troops well by using the special abilities wisely and in a timely manner.
What's more is there are tons of play modes to choose from to keep you occupied such as:
  • Campaign Mode: Play as Cendor, lord of Farabel. Go back in time to save the city in a campaign of 26 epic and challenging battles.
  • Challenge Mode: Fight a new battle every day, and compete with other players in a new season every month.
  • Classic Mode: Build your own army by purchasing units and war machines. Destroy your enemy as quickly as possible and with the least amount of casualties to become a hero! This game mode allows you to play through a series of different battles.
  • Defence Mode: Build your own army by purchasing units. In Defence mode, you take on an endless army which is impossible to beat. Survive for as long as possible and kill as many enemies as you can to become a hero.
This game is fun and doesn't take itself too seriously and it, therefore, reaps the benefits of this by turning the eye of a casual turn-based strategy gamer like myself into someone who has looked at other more complex turn-based games since playing this.

I'd say that I'd wholeheartedly recommend this to lovers of the genre and I would say to those who don't usually play turn-based games that this could be worth a punt if you want to dip your toe in for a small price of £9 (currently on SALE for £2 in the eShop!)
Right, I'm off to strategically manoeuvre my archer and get my queen in a position to deliver some sweet sweet healing.
Ratings Explained
ICE COOL (Great Game Recommended)
MELTING (Recommended with reservations, one to consider if you are a fan of the genre)

MELTED (Not A Recommended Purchase)

*My wife refuses to relinquish my Switch from the television while she is playing Animal Crossing and I have therefore been relegated to my daughter's Switch Lite!

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