

🌊🐙 Aqua Lungers | Nintendo Switch | Review | "Harpoon Your Mates, Steal Sunken Treasure, Fight Giant Octopussy" 🐙🌊 #Nindies #IndieGames #GameDev

Aqua Lungers - Switch - £12.99 eShop

Aqua Lungers at its heart is a frantic fun multiplayer game that is well made and knows exactly how to get players shouting at each other in the same room as each other as you steal treasure from a giant octopus and literally stab your fellow players in the back!

The core object of the game is to collect treasure from around the various levels and bring it all back to your very own treasure chest which is located at your spawn point.

Treasure is found in various sunken ships dotted around the game level and you will use your harpoon-like weapon to poke the gold out of the ships and scoop it all up.

You are limited to 10 pieces of treasure before you need to haul your booty back to your chest via the dangers presented by enemies and other players!
The more treasure you are carrying the slower you will move towards your chest and that will leave you open to attacks. So, should you fill your boots and haul the heaviest load back or make quick and often visits to the sunken treasure like a mid-week trip to Budgens for the essentials?

The aim is to get to the target gold total before your opponents and in one player mode, you need to hit the total whilst basically not dying and losing all your lives. You’ll also get the opportunity to set a timer for the match instead so that whoever has the highest total when the time runs out wins.
Once you complete the standard sub-levels on each terrain you will then face a boss battle whereby you will need to defeat the boss in order to progress.

Overall it’s a pretty simple concept and one that has been delivered well especially in multiplayer mode which will see you jumping for joy as you snag that last piece of treasure to get your score to the magical 3000 mark.

I really enjoyed my time with AquaLungers as the core gameplay loop is fun but in one player mode, it did become slightly repetitive. The key here is that the game has been built with a focus on multiplayer and one eye on the single-player campaign.

This is fine assuming that you can host multiplayer parties to really get the most out of this cool take on the battle party game genre.

The cool pixel graphics really complement the feel of the game as you battle sea monsters and terrifying fish! The music fits the game really well and I enjoyed how each level changes up the graphics and music.
I’d recommend this little beauty for those who love to get down and dirty with their mates and maybe those who can only realistically play single player might want to wait until this little gem is on sale in the eShop.

Right I’m off to stab my mate in the back for a sunken gold doubloon.

Ratings Explained
ICE COOL (Great Game Recommended)
MELTING (Recommended with reservations, one to consider if you are a fan of the genre)
MELTED (Not A Recommended Purchase)

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