

🌚 Moons Of Madness | Review | PS4 | “Can I Play With Madness?!” 🌚 #IndieGames #GameDev

Was it Iron Maiden that once asked, “Can I play with madness?!” Well, thanks to the clever developers at Rock Pocket Games and Dreamloop Games now you can, Mr Dickinson.

Moons of Madness is clearly a horror game for horror Lovecraft fans, Insert me!

My approach to playing games of this genre is to turn off the lights and strap on a pair of headphones...I’m already scared - Send help!

Headphones are essential when playing horrors - they help turn the milk chocolatey!

MOM is a First Person Shooter and whenever I’m confronted with an FPS I instantly look to the ground to see if I can see my feet, I call it “The Dr. Freeman” (Half-Life). If you can see your shoes, you know this attention to detail will flow throughout the game and if you can see your reflection in a mirror, well this just makes my curtains twitch.

Thankfully in MOM our hero, I assume he’s going to be a hero, is wearing boots...we can continue.

After lying to his dad, the protagonist, Shane Newhart, buggers off to Mars and inevitably it goes belly up - I mean, if you are going to send a load of highly intelligent botanists to a remote planet 140 million miles away from Maesteg, then eventually they’ll go quite, quite mad and start experimenting with evolution. It’s only natural.

Not even the library of books in the spaceships’ communal library can put the guy off. Titles such as; The Resident Horrors, Short Scary Stories & 24 Hours to Live...I mean, come on!

After playing this, I may need a Newhart...
Shane’s role as an engineer is to keep Trailblazer Alpha Mars Base ticking over until the transport ship arrives with your replacement, hopefully, before you completely lose the plot, start hallucinating and questioning what is real, whoops, too late...

The game echoes the indie favourite Insomnia and is beautiful and well designed, you can’t help but be distracted but the deco and dusty landscapes. The game is smooth as one would expect with the Unreal engineer under the hood.

I’m a couple of hours into this game and I can’t stop playing it, I need to know how this ends - not even my short attention span to the endless reading of documents can put me off.

The anticipation of this game is engaging, atmospheric, slow-burning and exciting. The dialogue is smart and the humour is as dry as the surface of the planet.

The hardest part of the game for me was trying to turn off the tap in a rotary motion on L3, believe me, it’s taking me 20,30 secs to close a valve – I am NOT a plumber by trade!

The game does take a turn for the much, much worse and pretty quickly descends into, well, madness.. trippy, creepy and on occasion spine chilling madness.

I’ve not been this scared of plants since Boris opened the garden centres in the thick of lockdown - Think of the Day of the Triffids set in space.
It’s a good game, any fan of the genre will enjoy this supernatural horror and is a very much welcome distraction to what’s happening here on planet earth.

P.S Don’t forget to de-pressurise the airlock before you remove your helmet - It’s pretty terrifying - I would scream, but who would hear me?!

P.P.S “Get your ass to Mars”


Ratings Explained
ICE COOL (Great Game Recommended)
MELTING (Recommended with reservations, one to consider if you are a fan of the genre)
MELTED (Not A Recommended Purchase)

Chris Co-Op (@showmemagic)

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