

🦀🏝️🛋️ Moving Out DLC: "Movers In Paradise" | Nintendo Switch | Review | "Just Another Day In Moving Paradise" 🦀🏝️🛋️ @MovingOutGame #IndieGames #GameDev

Moving Out has become a firm family favourite during 2021 as we spend a lot of time at home playing video games together as a family (this purchase was inspired by Britt's review)

Our previous favourite was Overcooked from Team 17 with its manic cooking madness.

Moving Out has superseded Overcooked though because the variety of fun to be had with four players while trying to fling sofas onto the back of a truck in a time limit is absolutely limitless. 

Moving Out is like a scene from the 3 stooges crossed with the Chuckle Brothers whilst being on acid. My family love playing this game and long may it continue. We’ve even got to the point of being obsessive over completing the side objectives on each level before we can continue (trying not to smash windows while my Toaster Headed Character lollops about the screen flinging toast everywhere is a sight to be seen)

Just when we thought that Moving Out had not much more to offer Team 17 comes up with a tasty slice of DLC in the form of “Movers In Paradise”

This DLC lets you undertake moving out across 24 new tropical themed levels and adds in the mystery of the “greatest haul of them all!” to the mix of moving madness.

This Movers In Paradise DLC gives you new mechanics, obstacles and enemies to challenge your skills and family relationships with as things always get heated no matter what. 

First up is the introduction of moving platforms which cause chaos when you have four people trying to bundle across whilst holding furniture and trying to beat a time limit.

You’ll also have to master the art of the ladder and how to place them without causing a fatal injury. Overlay a nasty case of the crabs into the mix and you have a crustacean cacophony of moving mischief kicking off in paradise. 

These new mechanics basically up the difficulty slightly and also turn the Paradise levels into more of a puzzle type solution rather than an all-out manic set of rooms to clear which is a nice change-up in the gameplay. 

This DLC also gets you four new characters to mess around with which again is a nice touch and enhances the longevity and enjoyment of the game.

"Right, I’m off to clear up a nasty case of moving crabs whilst climbing a ladder and moving a cannon."

*(Take a look at Britt’s review of the base game here)

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