

🔥 Sturmfront: The Mutant War | Review | Nintendo Switch | 7/10 | "Metal, Mutants and Many Bullets" 🔥 #BrittsBriefBulletinPart1

If you are a fan of metal music and twin-stick shooters then look no further as Sturmfront: The Mutant War has you covered!

A colourful, top-down action title that sees your one-track-minded avatar churning their way through numerous mutants as they blast through short lead-up stages to screen-filling boss fights, all soundtracked by chugging guitar, Sturmfront: The Mutant War has a great sense of humour about itself and delivers visceral arcade thrills without outstaying its welcome. 

With hints of Smash TV, it’s time to pick up those bonus weapons and spill some blood, soldier!

A game that’s tough in terms of challenge and embraces the eighties with its approach, Sturmfront: The Mutant War is one for those that enjoy a game that bites back, with distortion.

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