
🎩 Lunch With Professor Layton 🎩 #NintendoDs #RetroGaming

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A few years ago my daughter had reached the age to get her first console and after doing my research I felt that at the age of 5 a 2DS would be perfect, and it was. We played a lot of Animal Crossing New Leaf together and totally enjoyed our time with the 2DS but then everything changed in 2017 when I got my Nintendo Switch. It was at that point that my kids wanted to play my Switch way more than the 2DS and the poor old 2DS was resigned to its fate to live on a shelf next to the DSi.

Meanwhile, I fast forward to 2021 when for some reason I got the hankering to play a Professor Layton game as I had never got round to playing Professor Layton before and it has been a franchise that I have admired from afar.

I looked into buying the Nintendo Switch release but as always with Nintendo games, it was around £30 and it felt wrong to pay that for a game that I didn't know if I was going to even be a fan of.

Off I went to eBay to find a suitable alternative Layton game and then I did some investigation into the order of the Prof Layon chronology of games. Since 2007 there have been 9 mainline Prof Layton games taking us right up to 2017 so I had a rich vein of Layton fun to draw from. 

Of course from that point onwards I chose to dust off my 2DS and start from the start of the whole franchise with a classic in the form of The Curious Village.

I searched out a deal and I found it in the form of a charity shop pick up of £3 for my first ever foray into the Prof's world.

One week in and I'm loving my lunchtimes with the Professor as I use my rainy lunches to plot my way through another few puzzles whilst amassing as many hint coins as I can. 

The pace of the gameplay is perfect for my one hour work from home lunches and gives my brain a workout when I can't get outside for some Vitamin E and Fresh Air!

The cool thing is that it's given my 2 DS a new lease of life as I play out my Layton adventure on this awesome piece of kit.

The plan is now to work my way through all 9 main games and see where I get to with any of the spin-offs.

Professor, I take my hat off to thee as you have saved my lunchtimes from this crappy British weather and also breathed life into our 2DS.

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