

🐏 Lambs on the Road: The Beginning | Nintendo Switch | Preview 🐏 @LambsOnTheRoad #IndieGames #GameDev

Lambs on the Road is a 2D platformer with puzzle elements, set sometime after a horrific apocalypse, whereby society has crumbled, food has become scarce and people have turned to murder and cannibalism.

The setup is intriguing, apocalypses are always a good way to start games, in my opinion. The protagonist of the game - John - has been separated from his daughter, who was rounded up by a military force and taken to an undisclosed location. He now desperately wades through the desolation, hoping he can find and rescue his daughter.

The game captures the bleakness of the apocalyptic aftermath very well, the cutscenes are hand-drawn, utilising a stained parchment paper effect and are very effective. the rest of the game goes for a more washed out dreary grey, further driving the harshness of the situation home.

The puzzles are of the trial and error variety, woven into the narrative, such as a moment where you must find which levers to pull in order to drop a car on some enemies. Get it wrong and you will get an axe for your troubles.

The game doesn't give you many instructions at first and you WILL have to wander around for a bit in order to work out what needs to be done. Save points are few and far between, which did result in some lengthy backtracking. 

A strange, small criticism - in this game where survival is key, there are two guns clearly insight, which you can't interact with. I assumed I’d be able to approach them and get a message along the lines of ‘they are out of bullets’ or something similar but nope, they are clearly visible, but you can’t interact with them. It just felt jarring.

For the price, I enjoyed my time with the game - of which this is effectively the opening chapter. I do hope that the full game is released as I would enjoy seeing where the story goes and traversing more of the world.


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