9 Feb 2022

🔥 Review: Darkest Dungeon 2 🔥

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Review: Darkest Dungeon 2

The first part of Darkest Dungeon by Red Hook Studios appeared in 2016, becoming for many gamers a real revelation. It surprised literally with everything: stylish (albeit cartoonish) drawings, high complexity, and the abundance of random events that can affect the gameplay. My initial introduction to the game was on the PlayStation Vita. And it was one of the best games on Sony's dead handheld console! Neither microscopic fonts nor FPS sagging at the most dynamic moments was a hindrance.


First of all, it should be noted that the game is still in its Early Access (it's incomplete for now), however despite early days of development it already showed good potential. In Darkest Dungeon 2, the characters are much better developed than in the previous game (and its early access game!), they have their own personalities and biographies. But the general rule remains the same: do not get especially attached to your companions. As soon as there is a feeling that the team has an invincible tank, in the next fight he will fall apart into atoms, heck you can compare this randomness of the outcome to online casino game for money. But there is motivation to keep an eye on the state of the characters and try to keep them alive as relationships are built between them. One act of the planned five is available on Early Access, but it's more advantageous to purchase the licensed version now so you won't pay more when the game will be finished. Red Hook Studios will be in the development of DD2 for about a year, adding new episodes of the journey for free (considering if you are already bought the game).

The story in Darkest Dungeon 2

Mission sorties are done fundamentally differently in DD2 compared to the first game in the series. We no longer have a stationary headquarters; we have to drive a stagecoach. The cart rushes to the next fork, where we choose where to turn. The mini-game with crew control is implemented crookedly, the physics of the object is pretty bad now, and you must control the "cow on ice" with the use of WASD keys. If in the original we were constantly pressed by a sense of claustrophobia because of the movement through the cramped catacombs, now you can feel the enormity of what is happening. Evil broke out of the cursed mansion and is rapidly consuming the world.

In addition to mopping up locations that are mandatory in the story, there are places with valuable rewards. Including caches of treasure because the overabundance of resources here is simply absent (you won't have enough resources ever). On the global map, you have marked points of a high probability of dangerous battles. It is useful to look there before the next trip. Especially important are the clinics, designed to restore health. As before, even the most experienced warrior can get a serious injury (or even die). Injuries can be not only physical but also mental. Then a trip to the hospital is a must: there is nothing worse than a warrior that can undermine the morale of an entire group with a panic attack.

Because of the lack of a permanent stationary HQ, progression is recorded in the player's profile. After a successful mission in which at least one survived, we get experience points. A huge role, as before, is played by the torch, which allows you to dispel the darkness on the path. It is now attached to the wagon. The local scenery is quite colourful: ruined villages, burning cities, sewers with mutated pigs. The set of locations available now is enough to appreciate the scope of the saga that Red Hook Studios has planned to do in a year.

The Combat system in Darkest Dungeon 2

The combat system has undergone minor changes. There are four characters involved in the battle. They should choose the right position. For example, the plague doctor, able to treat companions directly in battle, should stand at the end of the chain. But sometimes the group runs into an ambush, where you will be attacked from all sides. How to solve the problem? Pull the healer somewhere in the middle. Many such skirmishes end with the death of the squad, it can happen even when you will relax and believe that you have gathered an invincible team. And again, this randomness can be compared to the best online slots at casinos.

In addition to health control, it is important to monitor the stress scale. Even a sad and depressing landscape outside the stagecoach window can affect it. Stress levels also increase with critical hits. It is important to remember that in Darkest Dungeon 2 the communication between the heroes is given much more attention. Study the characteristics and traits of their characters. There are always positive ones that allow you to increase damage in battle or move faster, as well as negative ones ("Malice", "Grudge" and others). An overly grumpy comrade can even block healing or fall into a stupor. Importantly, a health drop to zero is not always death. There is a chance to survive if the enemy did not have time to inflict the last finishing blow.

New Mechanics in DD2

The generation of unique character traits seems to be twisted in the negative direction, too often I came across questionable personalities. Closer to the final of the act, the dialogues between them also get boring. The idea that first appeared in the era of Jagged Alliance 2, requires a huge variety of replicas, and they provided a limited number. Much more interesting is how new skills are obtained. Sometimes you get to a Temple of Heroes, where you can take one of the characters. There he can defeat his "inner demons", passing through a rite of purification and self-knowledge. Skills come across as unpredictable, which motivates you to experiment again and again which adds to replay value.


On the one hand, we have a decent development of the original. On the other hand, Darkest Dungeon 2 is a unique and original product, which will score even those who are not familiar with the first part. Increased visual quality, nice animations, recognizable gameplay and event-pressing music create a unique symbiosis. Few can replicate the success better than Red Hook Studios. If you enjoy a splashy campaign, wait a year or so for the final release.

If sequels from other studios often look like DLC, we can see a leap upwards. The bar is set high from the start, the scope of the action is amazing, and the intrigue at the end of the act makes you look forward to more episodes. The game is rated in advance, but there is no reason to doubt its success.

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