

📖 The Games Freezer Book Is OUT NOW! | The Pixel Art Compendium OF Video Games Consoles, Computers & Handhelds 📖 @gamesfreezer #PixelArt #SelfPublished

I've always fancied having my own video games book published and during lockdown 2020 I began a journey to write and illustrate my very first book. 

Today I proudly present to you The Games Freezer Book. A Pixel Art Illustrated Compendium of Video Games Consoles, Computers and Handhelds.

📖 Amazon Link: Games Freezer Book 📖

My original idea was to produce some trump cards based on all the video games consoles and computers of my childhood but as I began to produce them I got the feeling that this would look nice in a book of some sort that people could refer to.

At that point I decided that I would add in a must-play game for each system and then a must avoid game. This part was really fun as I trawled the internet for the best and worst examples of video games on each system. 

Once I'd decided on the format and the graphical layout I then thought it would be a nice finishing touch to add in a fact on each of the systems that I covered in the book. Again, searching through facts and figures for each console and computer was just as much fun as illustrating my book.

I spent many an hour creating simple but effective pixel art for each system using a pixel art tool on my laptop each evening after work. I didn't realise before I started working on this book that it was even possible for me to create decent pixel art but the more I practised, the better I became at it.

Then came assigning of ratings for each console and computer which were based on games, graphics, design, sound and an overall rating. Each rating was out of 10 as you can imagine it was a tough but enjoyable task to work out these ratings.

I now have produced a book that I would want to read. It's a book that can provoke discussion and even friendly arguments about which system was better and which games are a must-play. 

I'm glad I took the time to do this and in turn, I have ticked off an item from my bucket list as I am now officially a published author (& illustrator) 

Hopefully, you will enjoy the book as much as I enjoyed making it :)

P.S - A special mention to our very own Britt who helped me immensely by proofreading and editing the book for me. The flaming gavel was wielded and brought about magnificent results!

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