

🧟‍♀️ REDO! XBOX Review 5/10 "You are scratching a living as the last surviving human..." 🧟‍♀️ @REDO_99 #IndieGames #GameDev

REDO! is a 2D Metroidvania set in a dystopic future where you are scratching a living as the last surviving human.

That is until you receive a message from a mysterious person who wants to meet, kicking off your adventure.

Like many games of this ilk, you traverse the open world to collect things in order to move the plot forward – items, keys etc. The combat is melee-focussed and, frankly, too hard. 

Your attack is slow enough that you will get killed regularly, losing health to even lower-tier enemies. You do have a dodge roll that gives you about a second of invincibility, but it’s not particularly effective.

Each enemy has two numbers above its head, health and a blue stamina counter. Stamina is depleted by their attacks, while hits from you also contribute. Once stamina hits zero they become stunned and you can get a couple of free hits in. 

The problem with this is that it disincentivises combat – you find yourself just letting them get on with it until they tire themselves out. This even happens in boss fights, rendering the whole thing less than exciting. You can pick up items to make it a bit easier, like a shield or occasional ranged weapon, so you can change your style up a bit, but it’s still too hard for a limited reward. And all the weapons draw from the same ammo pool, which is annoying.

There are save points dotted around, but they’re few and far between, so you can get a nice new upgrade or weapon and lose it before the next checkpoint, which dumps you back at your previous save, while all the enemies have respawned so you need to do the whole thing again.


There are some nice touches: the AI characters that occasionally provide a bit of background about the world, the dark and moody graphics (reminiscent of old Megadrive games) and the whole bleak, desolate feeling add up to a nice atmosphere. 

Sadly, it’s the combat that really lets REDO! down, and given the number of enemies in the game it’s a tough one to get past.

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